Chapter 4: Betrayal/ DAY 1

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As I watched Y/N squirm in the seat I smiled "Y'know you look cute when you're afraid" I complimented. "..What?" [Y/N] asked in confusion. "I said you're cute when you're afraid" I replied. "...I- Thank you???" [Y/N] says with confusion. When Martial finally comes back with MPaja I smiled even more "What about North?" I asked. "North can't come right now he's busy dealing with the American" Martial replied, "So how's our little hostage?" "They're good, They're good" I replied with a small smile. "So that's them?" MPaja asked. "Yup! That's the person that they care about!" I replied with a smile.


"Goddamnit can't you just die!?" N. Korea asked with anger as he shot America again. "I..I don't die easily dirty commie" America replied with a cocky smirk. N. Korea grabbed him by his collar and threw him against the wall as he shot America again "JUST DIE CAPITALIST" N. Korea hissed in anger as he shot America over and over again before America fainted he smiled and said "Good...Job C...Commie." N.Korea rolled his eyes and left.


"It's been a while, Do you think [Kuya/Ate] Y/N is broken yet?" Asked Phil. Indo sighed and nodded "Probably, either that or they're dead. Hey by the way Phil why do you even call [Y/N] [Kuya/Ate]?" "Because they're like a big [Sister/brother] to me!" Phil responded. "If we die, how would you want to die?" Asked Malay suddenly. "I would want to die with [Y/N] in my arms" Phil responded, then Indo "Probably knowing that that PKI is dead." "Really?" Asked Malay, "Hey Phil?" "Yeah Malay?" Asked Phil. "Would you rather kiss [Y/N] or kill Martial" Questioned Malay. "Why with the random questions Malay?" Asked Phil. "Dunno, I thought this would distract us" Answered Malay. "Probably Kill Martial" responded Phil.


As [Y/N] sat in horror to see...N. Korea! "Y...You betrayed me North," [Y/N] said with a tear coming down their face. "Aw~ you thought I wouldn't betray you?" Asked N. Korea with a twisted Smirk. "Don't talk to me traitor!" Yelled [Y/N] in anger and sadness. "I thought PKI would 're-educate' you, but still you're rude," responded N. Korea. [Y/N] stayed silent before looking at N.Korea and asking "Who else are traitors?". "Hm?~ Oh, China and Rus" Smiled N.Korea.

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