Chapter 7: Reunited ⚠️TW⚠️ VIOLENCE

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As [Y/N] laid weak on the floor I smiled, "Darling~" They of course didn't respond, It was so cute to see their sleeping body. A few moments later [Y/N] jolted up in pure fear as I put their shackles back on, "No need to be so scared, we'll keep you here for a while," I said as I kept my smile. [Y/N] was of course still terrified as they nervously mutter something about leaving, "Hm?" I hummed in slight confusion. [Y/N] then mustered up the b@lls to say "I want to see Indo...Please!" My smile turned into a scowled as I angrily sighed "Why would you ever want to see him? He's trapped with all his friend" [Y/N] with tears rolling down their cheeks said "Please! PKI please!" [Y/N]...Actually did care for them. I scoffed and replied with a cold tone "No, and that's final" After I coldly stated the final statement I left.

"Phil! Phil! Stop crying!" Indo said clearly worried for his friend as Phil punched the door that was holding them away from their friend,Phil screamed as the door suddenly flew open to reveal PKI. For once PKI looked like he could kill anybody truly, not for fun, but seriously. "Why are YOU BANGING ON THE DOOR!?" PKI Said clearly angry at something and somebody. Phil whimpered in response. PKI scoffed and kicked Phil as he left again. Indo stopped PKI and sternly asked "Why the Fuck are you mad? And why the Fuck did you dare hurt MY Friend." PKI respond with a glare "Because [Y/N] cares about you guys and not ME" Indo looked almost surprised, "But you-" PKI sighs and slam the door.

South groans as he took a sip of whiskey "My brother doesn't even care about [Y/N]" South murmured bitterly. As Nekomi sips on her saki she responded, "He doesn't care,He used to." South scoffed as he leaned in the chair of the bar. On the other hand Japan was working on his paperwork as he sat and talked to South and his little sister Nekomi. They hated knowing [Y/N] is probably getting hurt and tortured by the stupid commies, They missed [Y/N]'s stupid smile, They missed [Y/N]'s weird obsession with bean babies, They missed Them.

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