Chapter 5: DAY 2

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As I watched [Y/N] sleep I smiled "Wakey,Wakey!" I shook them awake. [Y/N] instantly woke up, looking around they looked afraid "W-Where am I!?" [Y/N] asked in fear. "In our basement of course!" I replied with a smile. "Who's our basement?" Asked [Y/N]. "Me and Indo's basement," I responded, "I thought it was obvious." I kept my smile as N. Korea came "Have you educated them yet?" Asked N. Korea with a curious look. "No, Not yet want me to?" I asked N. Korea. He sighs and nodded "Yeah, They need some 're-education'."

WITH THE OTHERS (it's different this time!)
As China and Russia walked up to the house they knocked "Its us!" Russia yelled. "One moment! We're trying something!" Responded what they thought was Martial. Then the voice open the door to reveal N. Korea "Ah, just in time!" N. Korea welcomed them with a welcoming smile baring all his sharp teeth. "In time? For what?" Asked  China with a puzzled look. "In time for the torture session of course!" N. Korea replied with a big smile. As they walked in they saw [Y/N] tied to a chair as they screamed for mercy. On the other side was PKI with a knife. "Is he going to kill them?" Asked China. "No, he's 're-educating' [Y/N]" responded N. Korea.


As I stood awake I couldn't help but curl myself into a ball, i wasn't myself anymore I was a puppet. A few minutes later PKI walked through the door with a tray of food "Here's your food Darling~"  PKI smiled at me as he set down the tray of food in front of me. As I ate he just stared, he stared for a long time until he asked "Have you broke yet my little toy?~" I didn't respond for a while and then a responded "Not yet, you can't break me!" He frowned "Awh~ not yet?" I nodded as he got up and spoke in a flirty tone "Well I could always break you if we wanted to~" I looked confused, this guy first of all KIDNAPPED ME AND NOW HE WANTS TO FLIRT!? He smirked flirtatiously and winked before he left.

A Month of murder (Sorry I don't know a name for this!)Where stories live. Discover now