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In the elevator stood Obi-Wan Kenobi and his young Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Just as Alec had been, Anakin was also nervous, having been away from Alec for so long, who knows what to expect. They hadn't seen each other in a very long time, Anakin couldn't help but wonder, what did Alec look like now, how is he doing, what will he be like?

All these thoughts crossed his mind as he checked to make sure his under and overtunic were straight and presentable. His Padawan braid hanging below his right ear.

"You seem a little on edge." Obi-Wan pointed out, looking over at this young Padawan. Anakin put on a strong face to hide his nervousness, "Not at all." He responded, denying the fact he was indeed on edge.

"I have felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of Gundarks." Obi-Wan was certain he knew the cause of Anakin's edginess, but for entertainment purposes he had to hear him say it. Anakin laughed, turning his head to the right to look at his master. "You fell into that nightmare master, and I rescued you." Anakin replied with a smug smile, the number of times he's saved Obi-Wan were climbing. "Oh, yes." Obi-Wan let out a chuckle, remembering that nightmare.

"You're sweating, relax, take a deep breath." Obi-Wan began before a smirk appeared on his face, "This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact we are about to see Alec, is it?" Anakin sighed deeply, he had been caught, though it wasn't much of a secret.

"I haven't seen him in ten years, master. What if he doesn't remember me? What if he's found a new friend, what if-" Obi-Wan cut Anakin off with a loud laugh, "I knew it." Anakin's faced redden as he looked down. "Just don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement. We are here on a mission. That's all." Anakin was sad by the news, after this mission he probably won't see Alec again, "I know master." He said quietly.

Alec was standing near the balcony with Padmé, staring out at the huge city before them. "You're nervous, aren't you?" Padmé asked, noticing the uneasy look on his face. Alec sighed; he knew Padmé knew of his feelings for Anakin. Alec thought back when they were younger, at first young Alec hadn't known what he felt, but after spending some time with Anakin after they returned from Ilum, and Anakin and Alec splitting, Alec began to understand his feelings, but by then it was too late and as the years went on, they only grew.

Padmé of course, knew of his feelings and promised to keep it a secret as it goes against the Jedi code.

"I haven't seen him in ten years, Padmé. What if he's forgotten about me, what if he doesn't want friends, what if he-" Padmé cut Alec off by covering his mouth with her hand. "I am sure he has not forgotten about you; he's going to be just as happy to see you as you are to see him." Removing her hand from his mouth, Alec groaned, "But how do you know?" Padmé shrugged, "You have the force as your power, I have my own superpower."

Alec laughed, amused by this. Before the two can continue to talk, JarJar begins to yell.

"Obi? Obi! Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!" Alec began to sweat, rubbing his hands together. This was it. "Senator Padmé, Jedi Blazeth, Mesa palos here, lookie lookie senator." The first thing Alec noticed was Anakin. He got tall, and had the Padawan braid, same as he did. Anakin was about three inches taller than Alec, wearing a darker tunic compared to Alec's purple one. The two seemed to stare at each other for a moment, as if to study one another.

Padmé and Alec walked over to the two Jedi, as the bowed to Padmé. "It's a great pleasure to see you again, milady, you as well Alec." Alec smiled, stepping forward to give the Jedi Master a hug. "It has been far too long, Master Kenobi." the two pulled apart as Padmé stepped forward and shook Obi-Wan's hand. "Far too long." Padmé agreed with Alec.

Padmé look behind Obi-Wan at the Padawan standing there. "Ani? My goodness you've grown, hasn't he, Alec?" Padmé smirked as she turned to look at the Jedi Padawan behind her. Alec sends her a small playful glare, he knew what she was doing. "Yes, you have grown, it's really good to see you again, Anakin."

Anakin stepped from behind Obi-Wan and pulled Alec in for a hug, which Alec returned. Pulling apart, Anakin continued to stare at Alec. "So have you, grown more beautiful, for a Jedi I mean, Padawan I mean." Anakin began to stutter as he and Alec both stared red-faced at each other, Alec had also noticed Padmé's smirk. "Thank you, Anakin, you as well." The two smiled at each other.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat, making both boys look at him. He motioned to Padmé who began to sit down. the three Jedi all moved to sit by her. "Our presence here will be invisible, Milady, I assure you."

While the others sat and talked, Alec began to zone out. He had been doing it alot recently, thankfully not at a bad time, usually just when he's standing somewhere for too long. This time all he could think about was WHO was trying to kill Padmé, it wasn't like she was a bad senator, alot of what she did and said was pretty good, then again, this assassin just doesn't seem to care.

"Alec, Alec...Alec!" Alec was brought back to reality by Padmé, who was staring at him. "Uh, yes, Senator?" Although the two were very close, Alec had to be professional around others with Padmé. "Do you have anything to add?" Alec tried to think back to what they were all talking about while he was zone out...it was blank. "Just that we have to protect you, I know I will, no harm will come to you while you are under my watch." Alec sent Padmé a genuine smile which she returned. "Thank you, Alec." Padmé stood up, "Now if you'll excuse me, I will retire."

Everyone got up and went their own way while Anakin and Alec stood behind. "You've really grown since we last seen each other." Alec began, staring at his friend before him.

"Yeah, you as well, though you are still short than me." Anakin laughed as Alec sent me a playful glare, "I may be shorter, but I'll always be the better fighter." Alec sent Anakin a wink then swung his arms as if he were holding a lightsaber. "Dream on, Blazeth." Anakin smirked, staring at the boy.

"No need for dreaming, Ani. I know I am better." Alec continues to swing his arms around, making the two boys laugh. "I'll take that as a challenge, care to train with me one day?" Alec sent Anakin a cocky smile, "You're on, Skywalker."

The two continued to sit and talk, like two friends catching up on old times, Anakin telling Alec stories about different missions he's been on and Alex sitting there enjoying it. The two boys missed as Padmé watched for a moment around the corner, a smile on her face as she watched her best friend laugh.

'Maybe things will start to look up now.' Padmé thought as she took leave, turning back around and retiring to her bed chambers.


AHHHH yesssss!! I love this. Padmé is the best friend anyone can have, and it's even funnier that she thinks she's slick, Alec can see right through her...and well Obi-Wan is just...Obi-Wan. I am so excited to continue this, ugh I have so many ideas.

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