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(I'm shooting out these chapters left and right ;))


Finally after an excruciatingly painfully silent train ride where Alec sat next to Anakin, the train stopped. Padmé was talking to the lady that Alec has only seen a couple times but never learned her name.

Anakin and Alec stood side by side, and when Anakin noticed how flustered Alec was around him now, he smirked. Alec felt the same way, he knew he did.

Alec wanted to smack the smirk off Anakin's face, not because it was annoying but because it made him feel things everytime he saw it. Ugh that smirk.

"Anakin, Alec." Obj-Wan called the two Padawans names, getting their attention. "Don't do anything without consulting either myself, master Yoda or the council." Alec noticed Anakin's smirk drop, it made him feel belittle everytime Obi-Wan talked to him like a child.

Alec then spoke for the both of them, noticing Anakin's face was filled with annoyance, Obi-Wan didn't seem to notice though, or he did and just kept it to himself, "Yes, master Kenobi." Alec smiled, giving a nod to the man who was quickly becoming a friend. "Thank you Alec," he walked next to Padmé, "I'll get to the bottom of this quick, m'lady. You'll be back here in no time." Padmé gave Obi-Wan a gracious smile, "I'll be thankful for your speed, master Jedi."

Soon the doors opened, "Ok, it's time to go." Anakin grabbed his and Alec's things, "Anakin, Alec," the two turned to the master Jedi, "may the force be with you both." Alec sent Obi-Wan a nod, "May the force be with you, master."

The three humans got off the train as Artoo followed closely behind. Alec noticed the small droid falling behind and walked slowly to let it catch up.

Thank you Alec smiled down at the small droid, "Of course, Artoo. How are you doing?" The droid gave a beep of shock you understand me?! Alec nodded, "I've learned binary recently because I know you used to try to talk to me and I felt bad.

Artoo did a little spin as they kept walking Finally, I can talk to you. Alec laughed, "I know, you've probably got alot to talk about buddy." Artoo beeped, agreeing with Alec well first I have to ask, why haven't you told Anakin you like him? Alec stopped walking for a moment, making Artoo stop as well, "What Ho-" I've heard you talk with Padmé a lot, don't play stupid you know I was there. Alec glared playfully at the droid, "You're quite the sassy droid you know that?"

I know.

The two finally caught up with Anakin and Padmé as they reached the ship. "What were you and Artoo talking about back there" Anakin asked as they finsally boarded the ship, "He was just talking about the weather." Alec tried to come out with the first excuse. The weather? Seriously? Artoo beeped. Alec slightly kicked Artoo, causing him to pull out his taser from inside him, Do that again, I dare you. Anakin stared at the droid and his friend with an amused look on his face.

Soon enough they were in the cafeteria part of the refugee ship, Padme and Anakin were sitting down whispering about something while Alec and Artoo got food. "Hey, no droids, get out of here." The lunch droid said, shooing Artoo away. Buzz off stupid lunch droid Artoo beeped as he walked away with the bowl of food he has for Padmé. "Yeah, what he said, Jerk." Alec spoke as he walked away with Artoo.

As Alec and Artoo approached Anakin and Padmé, Alec noticed the two quickly hush themselves, making Alec wonder what they were talking about and why they stopped when he got close. "Thank you Artoo." Padmé thanked the droid as he handed her the food. "Here." Alec said, handing Anakin a bowl. "Thanks Alec." Anakin smiled, oh that smiles really did a lot to Alec. Made him want to melt right then and there.

They ate in silence for a moment until Padmé broke it. "It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi, not being able to visit the places you like or do the things you life." She spoke to both the Jedi Padawans. Alec knows now why Padmé was bringing it up. Three years ago, a year into the assignment, Alec had opened up to Padmé about his life, how he was sad that he and Anakin were split up and no matter what they could never show that they care for one another because the Jedi council will view it as a betrayal and expel them from the order.

"Or be with the people that I love." Anakin glanced at Alec who was looking down, but Padmé noticed, and that's when she got the confirmation she's been looking for. "Are you allowed to love?" She knew the answer already from Alec, but she needed to hear Anakin's point of view, and with Alec now sitting with them, he could hear it too. "Attachments are forbidden, possession is forbidden, compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, essential to a Jedis life." Anakin trailed off as he stared at Alec who was now looking at him, an unreadable look plastered on his face, he was admiring Anakin's view on it. "So you might say that we are encouraged to love." Anakin's view on it seemed more like him finding a loophole.

"That's one way to look at it, Ani. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you." Alec finally spoke up. Anakin smiled, "You've changed too, you're less shy, more open around me, you're just like I pictured you in my dreams." Padmé had to stop herself from giving an aww as she watch the pair. A part of her was sad for them, they couldn't be who they wanted to be, not together, because of the order. Alec on the other hand, was red faced and looking down, trying his best to hide it.

Anakin's subtle flirting was getting to him, and the more it happened the more his feelings grew, which was bad for them, if Yoda found out- oh boy he had to make sure that didn't happen.

They eventually arrived to their destination. Naboo. Oh how the planet shined. It was truly a beautiful planet.

Stepping off the ship, Anakin had grabbed his and Alec's bag, stating that, "A gentleman always carries the bag." Alec found it adorable at Anakin's constant flirting, but that's all it had to be, harmless flirting, it could never escalate to anything more.

"I wasn't the youngest queen elected, but I don't think I was old enough either. Not sure I was ready." Alec couldn't help but feel that Naboo's monarchy system was strange, they basically had kids ruling them. "Well, I wasn't there during the trade federation fiasco but I heard you lead your people to battle, and managed to get the Gungans to fight with you, your people thought you were ready, and fought beside you, that's a true leader." Alec praised, trying to help Padmé see that she was in fact a great leader. "Yeah, but then my two terms were up and I had to leave, then the queen asked me to be a senator, I couldn't refuse."

"I agree with her. I, we think the republic needs you." Anakin motioned to he and Alec. "Yeah, I'm glad you chose to serve, you're probably one of the best senators I know." Alec agreed, "I'm the only senator you know." Padmé laughed.

And so they kept walking, their destination was the castles main office where the queen was.


Alec is better than me, if Anakin even so much as smiled at me I would have jumped to be with him in a heartbeat 😮‍💨

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