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I'm trying to stay consistent with writing, especially for this book.
I hope you like it.


Must save him.

Must save him.

Must save him
Must save him
Must save him

Alec jumps up into a sitting position, again covered in sweat as he was panting heavily, desperately gasping in between. That nightmare, again. Only this time it was more intense, the lava was hotter, he was running slower, and the two people fighting were going at each other more intensely.

He began to worry, this was the second time he's had this dream, should he be worried? In his dreams he could never see the faces of the two men fighting, but he felt like he had to save one of them, even thought deep inside he wanted to help both.

A knock at his bedroom door causes Alec to jump slightly. Getting up he walked to the door and opened to reveal Anakin in a loose shirt and sweat pants. Anakin was also staring at Alec, who was only in a pair of sweatpants. "Um, hey, are you alright?" After the incident with the kouhun's and Anakin chasing after Obi-Wan and the bounty hunter, Alec remained with Padmé for two more hours before returning to his own room that was in the same building.

Anakin looked sad, maybe even alittle scared. "Can I come in?" He gestured to in the room. "Of course." Alec moved out of the way and let Anakin into his room.

Moving over to sit on Alec's bed, Anakin began to fiddle with his fingers, but his eyes remained on Alec. "What's wrong? You look scared." Alec asked, sitting down beside Anakin. "It's my mother, I'm worried about her." Anakin responded, licking his once dry lips. Alec remained silent, he knew somewhat of Anakin's life before moving to Coruscant. His mother and him were slaves, well his other still was, and Anakin had to leave her to join the Jedi Order.

"Is she ok? I know you miss her." Alec whispered, never taking his eyes off of the man next to him. Anakin sighed, rubbing his eyes, he looked very tired, like he hasn't slept in a long time. "I keep dreaming about her." Alec's stomach dropped at this. Maybe it was just a coincidence, people dream all the time. "In my dream she's calling out and screaming, like she's in pain and I can't help her." Anakin's voice was low and if Alec has been a foot more away, he wouldn't have heard him. "Well I mean do you think it could be just a dream? You haven't seen her in ten years, maybe your subconscious is playing on your emotions and you're worried about her because you haven't seen her in so long?"

Alec never knew his mother, he never knew that familial love, other than from master Yoda but that was entirely different, so he couldn't really have an opinion on Anakin's feelings towards his mother.

"This felt different than a normal dream, Alec. I'm really worried, and it scares me." Alec put his hand on Anakin's, which was rested on his thigh. "I'm sure your mother is fine, if you want, once this is over we can take a secret trip to visit her." Anakin was shocked to say the least, Alec was the councils golden boy, he followed every council rule down to the bone, and he was willing to secretly take a trip to Tatooine so Anakin can see his mother.

"You'd do that for me?" Anakin couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on his face, feeling a sense of relief course through him. "Of course." Alec replied, tightening his grip on Anakin's hand, which still rested on Anakin's thigh. "I know how much you miss her, and I've always wanted to meet her." Anakin felt his heart racing as the realization set in, Alec's hand was basically touching his thigh, if not for his hand being in the way.

The two Jedi Padawans smiled, and laid back onto Alec's bed in their backs, staring at the ceiling of the room as they talked, and before they knew it, they were both asleep.

Waking up in his bed, Alec remembered the events of last night, of him and Anakin talking about the last ten years, catching up on missed times and things they wish to accomplish.

The bed felt strange though, the other side of the bed was dipped down slightly. Alec turned and noticed Anakin sleeping next to him, less than a foot away, their noses almost touched.

Anakin was a very quiet sleeper, to the point where if a room was so quiet that you'd be able to hear a pin drop, you still wouldn't be able to hear Anakin sleeping. Alec smiled, he always thought Anakin was the snoring type.

Rolling back over, Alec looked at the time and gasped. Jumping out of the bed he ran over and shook Anakin away. "Ani, wake up! We're going to be late for the council meeting!" Anakin didn't budge, "wake up you!" Alec shook harder, Anakin still didn't budge. Seriously?!

Then Anakin began to laugh. Alec stared at Anakin as if he were a mad man, "you were awake this entire time?" Anakin shrugged, "just for about an hour, I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful." Alec's mouth gaped. "You fool, look at the time!" Anakin turned over to look at the time and his eyes widened, "you should have woke me!" With a groan Alec dressed quickly while Anakin ran out of the room, "I'll see you in a little bit." He winked as he ran out, down to where he was sleeping before coming to Alec's room. "Unbelievable."

Now stood before the council was Obi-Wan, Anakin and Alec, though Alec did not say much as he was not present when they caught the one who tried to assassinate Padmé, which turned out to be just another hire who was also a changling.

"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan." Yoda instructed. "Most importantly, find out who he's working for." Master Mace Windu added. Ah yes, that sounds easy. Track down the bounty hunter who is working for a man who wants Padmé dead, it's not like Alec hasn't been trying this for years.

"What of senator Amidala? She will still need protecting." Alec scoffed lowly at Obi-Wans question, was he invisible or something? "Handle that, our Padawans will." This caused Alec to smirk, knowing his master trusted them enough to protect Padmé.

Master Windu on the other hand, did not look pleased. Alec and Windu had a complicated past, sure they were civil and put together, they worked together alot in the past. Due to Master Windus ability to harness the dark side without being corrupted, he was another person who trained Alec. Alec was Yoda's Padawan, but everyone on the council has some part to play in keeping Alec under control.

The third master was Shaak Ti. She was a strong force wielder and somewhat of a mother figure to Alec. She helped Alec with his meditation on days when Yoda could not.

Alec was brought back to reality by Master Windu instructing him and Anakin to escort Padmé back to Naboo under the disguise of refugees. "As the leader of the opposition it will be very difficult to get senator Amidala to leave the capital." Anakin objected, thought he did have a point. It would be difficult. "Until this killer is caught, our judgement she must respect, Alec, vouch for us you will, trust you she does." Alec had a feeling Yoda would suspect Padmé and his friendship. He's surprised he hasn't been scolded for befriending his assignment, but then again he was with her for many years so of course a friendship was bound to happen.

"Anakin, go to the senate and ask chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter, then once he's spoken with her, Alec you will speak to her, tell her this is what's best, she'll listen to you most of all." Master Windu instructed the two Padawans. Alec didn't object, knowing all to well it'll get him no where and just waste everyone's time.

So with a nod, the council meeting ended, with the three Jedi splitting up, Obi-Wan to get ready for his leave, Anakin to speak with Chancellor Palpatine and Alec to meditate for a little while until after Chancellor Palpatine speaks with Padmé.


I know this chapter was boring, I fear the first few chapters are going to be that way, but I don't wanna just jump into actions and have Alec and Anakin jump to things, I wanna build up to them becoming a powerful duo and on and on, and introduce all of Alec's traits.

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