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(Ok so I've been pre-writing this book and I've gotten to near the end of ROTS and man, I surprised myself. The amount of times I've had to sit and stare at my wall while crying...Im just not ready yet. I'm so sorry for all the emotions you guys will have to go through :))

Alec ran as fast as he can, the heat from the lava below causing him to sweat, which mixed with the tears on his face as he forced himself to run faster, lightsaber in hand.

The sound of two lightsabers clashing gave Alec the motivation he needed to push his legs further. I must save him Alec told himself over and over again in his head, like a broken record on repeat. Do what you must, save him! I will save him! Alec screamed inside.

As he entered the room where the two men were fighting-

Alec sits up quickly from where he laid on the couch, sweat dripping down his face and neck, leading down into his tunic as he frantically looked around his surroundings. "Hey, are you ok?" That voice. Anakin's voice. Alec sighed in relief. What was that dream? He's never had that dream before. "You were mumbling in your sleep, you kept saying, "must save him."" Anakin stared at Alec with a worried expression. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, was just a nightmare." Maybe it was just because he was sleep deprived. He found it very hard to sleep lately since the threat on Padmé kept getting more intense.

The two couldn't continue their conversation because Obi-Wan entered the room. "Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs." He takes off his cloak as Alec and Anakin stand from where they sat, "No assassin would try that way, any activity up here?" He asks the two padawans. "Quiet as a tomb." Anakin answers.

Alec ran his hand through his hair as he eye's Obi-wan, "I don't like just waiting for something to happen to her." It really annoyed him that he couldn't go out and look for this killer. Corde lost her life and Padme is fearing for her own now. "Let's hope nothing happens." Obi-Wan looked down at the device in his hands as it beeped, "What's going on?" Alec looked at the device as well, wondering what was wrong considering he was passed out not even five minutes ago. He mentally scolded himself for that as well. "Ah, she covered the camera's, I dont think she liked me watching her." Alec stared at anakin, "I wouldn't like anyone watching me sleep either."

Obi-wan scoffed as he walked pass the two padawans, "What was she thinking?" He stopped near the hallway that lead to her room, "She programmed R2 to warn us if there is an intruder." Anakin informed Obi-wan.

"I also put in a backup camera since I knew she would try something like this." Pulling out the device from his pocket, Alec turned it on, only to see blackness. "She found my backup camera?! How?" Alec frantically looked under the device, as if that would let him see inside the room before giving up with a huff. "Nice back up camera." Anakin laughed. Alec sent him a glare. "I bet R2 snitched on me, can never trust a droid."

Obi-wan, still not amused with the young senators' choices, spoke up with slight annoyance, "There are other ways to kill a senator." Anakin shrugged the thought off, "I know, but we want to catch this assassin, don't we master." The tone in Anakin's voice and the look of disbelief that Obi-Wan gave him told Alec everything he needed to know, "You're using her as bait, aren't you?" He laughed humorlessly.

Anakin smirked slightly. "It was her idea," Anakin paused, noticing the look of discomfort on Alec's face, "Don't worry, no harm will come to her." He comforted Alec, sending him a smile which was returned. That smile, it could cure just about any sort of depressive state. "I can sense everything going on in that room, trust me." He finished. Alec let out a breath, "I do trust you, and I trust her, I just hope it works out."

Alec returns to the couch he was previously on, completely missing out on the conversation Anakin and Obi-Wan were having, and if he had listened he would have heard that Anakin too, was experiencing bad dreams, but they were about his mother where as Alec's was about a volcanic planet.

What was this dream? Why did it just start randomly. Maybe Alec was just overthinking, nightmares happen a lot, but this one felt alittle too real, it was as if he were really there, like a vision.

Alec is brought back into reality when he feels a certain unease fill him. Something was wrong, he could feel it. Padmé. Rushing off the couch towards his best friends room, Alec enters just in time to see two Kouhun's about to attack Padmé.

Using the force to grab his lightsaber, Alec ignites it as he jumps up, slicing both in half just before they could touch Padmé.

Obi-Wan and Anakin enter the room just in time to see a droid begin to take off, but not before Obi-Wan can make a rash decision and jump out the window, grabbing onto the droid.

Anakin seems conflicted as to either stay with Alec or chase after Obi-Wan and the murderer. "Go, I'll stay with Padmé." With the ok from Alec, Anakin nods before takes off, running towards the areas where the speeders were kept.

Alec turned back to Padmé and began checking around her body, frantically looking for any bite marks, "Are you ok? It didn't bite you did it." Padmé shakes her head, "it didn't get me, I'm fine."

With a sigh of relief, Alec feels comfortable enough to stop searching around Padmés body. "I think that's the tenth time I've saved your life." Alec jokes lightly to which Padmé responds with, "ninth actually, the so called other time is just you stopping be from drowning." Alec scoffed, "And I did a good job at it!" Padmé gave Alec a weird look, "I was in a two foot pool, and I was just dipping my head under."

"Well you could have gotten a cramp, I still jumped in and wet my hair to save you." The two laughed, probably the only real laugh these two will ever share.

"So, did you see how Obi-Wan jumped out the window?"


So I'm trying to portray Alec as this innocent 19 year old teenager who just lightens the mood because remember, he's only ever been trained to be good and Padme and Anakin are his only friends so he's nice but shy, I'm still working on him but you'll see.

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