28 . ☆

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Taehyung's POV

"I'm so sorry yeomi's mom told you those things," yooni told me.

"Neither him nor jungkook told me anything. If I would have known, I would've came sooner."
I haven't seen yooni for the month. He had been working a lot and only finished late.

"They were so mean to each other. Well, jungkook is mean to everyone but your husband looked sweet."

Yoongi laughed. "Yeah well that's kind of my fault. I never told him what I actually did and he came over to jungkook's at the wrong time."

"Oh no, I feel so sorry that  your husband had to see that."

Yooni shook his head. "Don't worry, that was years ago. he's just dragging it out."

"But he said he takes pills."

Yooni laughed. "he lied. he is just trying to make jungkook feel guilty."

He looked around

. "Speaking of  jungkook, where is he?"

"He was still sleeping when I woke up," I said as I sipped my coffee and he started to smile.


He shook his head and he bounced the tea bag up and down in the mug.

"Nothing, it's just that I haven't heard that you two were fighting for a while. It seems like things are good."

I scoffed. "That's because we avoid each other. It works for us."

He dropped his smile. "You two are married."

"That doesn't change anything. We can't stand each other. I thought it would wear off after the first month but things are just the same, maybe even worse."

"I believe you two can make it. Some
relationships take time to blossom. Some might take weeks, months or years."

"Years!!!???" I shouted.

"Jungkook would have already killed me by then."

"He is not going to kill you or hurt you. All those thoughts have already left his mind by now."

"How do you know that?"

"He has been my best friend for years. I know what he thinks half of the time."

"And the other half?"

He gave me a look.

"Not even jungkook knows what he is going to think about for that other half. He just automatically does stuff that randomly pops up in his mind. That is what makes him so unpredictable." Yooni said

"So what about killing me? Wouldn't that randomly pop up?"

He sighed. "You said he's avoiding you right? That means he's avoiding the need to get mad at you."

"Yooni, do you see how you sound? How could any of this turn into a relationship?"

Yooni gave me a devious look. "You'll see."

We both heard to footsteps and turned to see  jungkook marching in the kitchen.

I could tell he had just woken up because he had lines on his face and his hair was all messy.

He ignored us and walked straight to the counter and poured himself some coffee.

He finally came and sat down by us.
Yooni  opened his mouth and  jungkook  immediately raised his hand

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