1- Blood on Snow

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With his glass of strawberry slushie, Shen Ricky, a tall, slim, blonde Chinese man scanned the entire cafe to find a suitable seat. It was the busiest hour of the day, so almost all the tables were full; and if not completely occupied, had at least one or two people. Ricky looked for the most peaceful one, and he found one. Right around the corner, at a small table of two sat a quiet, almost nerdy looking young man who had his full attention paid to a small notebook on the table. Stirring his slushie once, Ricky went ahead and cleared his throat when he reached the said table.

The guy looked up. He had large, pretty, bambi eyes.

"Mind if I sit here?" Ricky asked. The guy shook his head once, then got back to doing whatever he was doing earlier.

Ricky took his seat, scooped some of the icy drink in his mouth. His eyes naturally went to the quiet male. Around his height, soft looking, small faced. He was handsome.

Maybe because of the consistent gaze of Ricky, the man looked up. His eyes fell once on Ricky's face, took a pause, maybe to take in that the Chinese male was insanely good looking, then at his drink, then finally on his notebook. However, the silence was broken, when he said, "It looks like blood on snow."

Ricky almost choked on the crushed ice, "Sorry??"

The man looked up, nonchalantly pointed at the drink, "Your slushie. It looks similar."

"I mean, yeah? I guess?" Ricky lifted his glass and watched it from all possible angles, "Why would you say it like that though? Sounds weird."

Realization played on the guy's face, "Ahh!" He spoke, a little louder, "I didn't mean it that way, sorry." He looked back at his notebook and mumbled, "Maybe I'm too deep in this to be thinking that way.."

Curious, Ricky peeked at the notebook. Noticing him, the other swiftly closed it.

"What is it?" Asked the blonde male, "Not meaning to butt in but- you know, based on the current situation."

The man nodded. He took a few seconds to think, and then, said, "Actually, I'm doing a bit research on the current killings. That's why, maybe I thought of blood seeing your slushie."

"Research as in?" Ricky put his elbows on the table, growing more interested to the seemingly nerdy man. "Trynna find out the killer?"

"Something like that." The other replied, "Isn't it alarming that we have a serial killer who's probably from around this neighborhood?"

Ricky couldn't agree more. Last month, the fourth murder was reported to the police. The fourth in the span of one and a half year. Similar pattern- stabbed at multiple places, slashed in the throat, abandoned in the jungle. A male body of a late teen. He was also from around the neighborhood. All four of the victims were. There had been constant buzzes about the killings, police and investigators had been shunned, criticized and condemned. So it's only natural that someone would begin to take his time to find out who it is. Ricky did that too. On his own accord.

"What did you come up with?" He asked the man.

"Why would I tell you?" The man asked back.

"Well, maybe because I know a lot about their psychology?" Ricky sat back, arms crossed, legs folded, one on top of the other. He watched the guy in his front narrow his eyes, probably debating whether to take the Chinese seriously or not. Ricky chuckled, "I'm a fan of crime documentaries. I like to study about cases, especially those of serial killings."

"Okay." The other obviously didn't take him seriously.

"Hey, I'm being real. I know a lot about them. Name any serial killer- I know them. Dahmer? Ted Bundy? Gacy? Bathory? Jack the Ripper-"

The young man let out a small laughter, "Everyone knows them. At least pick something unique?"

Ricky clicked his tongue, "Testing me, huh?" He empited almost two thirds of his glass by then, "Let's say, I know more than general people do about this particular case." He winked at the other when he lifted his face to check.

"How so?"

The blonde guy shrugged, "Why would I say it to you?"

"How can I believe what you're saying if you don't?" The man frowned.

"Well.." Ricky tapped the table with his fingers, "You have to come along if you wanna know."

"Come along?" He narrowed his eyes, "Where?"

"You'll see." The other drank the rest of his drink, leaving a small portion of pale crimson liquid at the bottom of the glass. He extended his hand, "Shen Ricky." The other didn't take it, he just bowed and said, "Kim Gyuvin."

"Nice name you have." Ricky smirked, "So, Gyuvin? I assume we're around the same age?"


"I can give you more about this case, but you have to meet me outside of this place. Meet me where I tell you to."

The one named Gyuvin laughed in disbelief, "And why would I do that? What if you take me to execute me and make me your fifth victim?"

Ricky laughed this time, "You think I'm the killer?"

"Which point says you're not? You know Bathory."

"So you admit that was unique?" Ricky smiled in satisfaction.

"No, that's twisted. She was vile."

"So are every other serial killers." Ricky spoke in a more serious tone, "They're vile. Completely evil. But I'm curious about their minds. So I like to 'study' those cases. Not like I like to copy what they did."

"Sure." Gyuvin said. He started packing his notebook. Probably wanting to leave before the Ricky guy brainwashed him even more.

"You know what I find interesting about them the most?" The other man continued, "Is that they all love to leave some sort of sign. They like to boast what they do. It's a game they play."

Gyuvin focused this time, slowing the pace of packing his stuff.

"So what does this local one leave with the victims?" Ricky's eyes sparkled, "The police didn't give it away, did they?"

"You... Know what the sign is?" Gyuvin asked with sincerity. Finally able to grab his attention, Ricky slyly stood up, "I'll only tell you if you meet me where I tell you to."

"Why do I have to meet you in a specific place? Why can't you say it to me here?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Ricky winked, but corrected himself immediately, "There's a reason I'm telling you this. Do you agree to this deal or-"

"No." Gyuvin said. "I'll find out on my own. I don't trust you."

"Your loss then." Ricky stepped away. He was slightly annoyed. He really thought he was able to convince that guy. But he was too cautious. He didn't even move when Ricky glanced back once before leaving the cafe. 'Such a waste', he thought.

In truth, it wasn't a waste. Because with him gone, as Gyuvin thought about all the clues he had gathered, he knew the sign would give him a huge boost. He needed that sign. Ricky could be bluffing, could be having a very bad motive. But he could still be honest and have what he had been looking for. The next clue. He thought. Kept thinking. How can one catch a twisted murderer without risking their life? Ain't it all a part of a bigger game? He needed to take the risk in order to learn more about the vicious killer that had been killing people his age.

So he took his notebook out, hastily scribbled something on a page, tore it and made a run outside. The blonde head was impossible to miss. He ran to that guy and tapped on his arms. Ricky turned back, surprised to see the same quiet male.

"Here... My number.." Gyuvin gave him the torn page, "Tell me where to meet."

A slow but prominent smirk was seen on Ricky's face the next moment.


I got goosebumps when I first came to know about those cruel things Bathory did 😔

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