6. Crimson

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"What do you think about love?" Gyuvin asked when the moonlight seeped its way through the window glass in Ricky's room. It was another ordinary night of them sleeping on the same bed. From the very first night Gyuvin stayed over, they never got dramatic about sharing the same bed. Maybe because they had always had that comfort around them- talking about nasty and gore stuff, that mundane shyness didn't touch them. Yet, hearing Gyuvin talk about such a beautiful word like 'love' did things to Ricky's stomach.

"I think love's cool." Said the older male, "I watch my cousin, they're cute together."

"Have you ever fallen in love?" Gyuvin asked again, rolling on the bed once, facing Ricky from a few inches closer.

"I've got a few crushes here and there, but never told them."


"None was that serious honestly."

"So you never dated anyone?"

"Why won't I?" Ricky chuckled, "Most of them were short lived though. Like we got together, got bored and broke up."

"Your interests didn't match?" Asked the younger.

"You can say so. Most of my past relationships were initiated by the other party. I just went along?"

"They weren't interested in crimes like you are. Right?"

"Yeah..?" Ricky took his time to think, "You know, I wasn't that into it back when I was a high schooler. Only after I got into college, then had to write a presentation about the dark lanes of psychopaths did I get serious about this stuff. Like- maybe I had it in me all along?"

"Do you think people would suspect you as the killer, cause you like these things?" Gyuvin rolled back again, staring at the ceiling this time.

"They probably would, but I'm not scared." Ricky smiled, "Cause I know I didn't do it."

"Yeah, I believe you." Gyuvin turned his head to look at Ricky, who was looking really pretty smiling that way. Feeling the lingering gaze of the other on him, the blonde Chinese guy looked back, and their eyes locked.

"I know." Ricky smiled wider. Gyuvin looked at his big slanted eyes, then at his lips. One of his hands slowly moved to Ricky's chin, "You said it doesn't matter how long people love one another, so do you believe me when I say, I've grown to like you so much, Ricky?"

Ricky's eyes widened. His heart started thumping louder. "I... Don't know."

"Don't you believe me?" Gyuvin asked again, looking so soft, so pure, so damn pretty!

"I.. do. I mean, yeah, of course, I do. But.. why would you like me, like we haven't-"

"Everything about you amazes me." Gyuvin said, "You're so handsome, and you're so courageous to show me exactly how you are!"

"You though I was the killer on the first day."

"My mistake." Gyuvin said, "I don't think that way anymore." He caressed Ricky's cheek, "Now I think your lips are so pretty. Especially when you put a crimson lip tint."

Ricky turned to face Gyuvin completely. They were so close, their breaths got mixed midway, swirling upwards. "You really love crimson, don't you?"

"Especially on snow." Gyuvin smiled, "And you're like snow. Your hair, your face. Your pretty hands."

"You sound like a psychopath." Ricky chuckled, "But of course, there's no way you are."

Gyuvin's body tensed and relaxed immediately. He smiled shyly, asking, "May I kiss you?" He only felt a pair of lips on his after a small nod from the other. The kiss was mellow, a bit wet, but when they pulled away, both were blushing. Oh how much Gyuvin liked to see the reddish hue on Ricky's pale face!

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