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Zhang Hao stared at the open door, precisely at the person standing outside, carefully holding his sling bag. The look of displeasure wasn't that hard to find in the Chinese male, so, Gyuvin hesitantly asked, "Is Ricky home?"

"Yeah." Hao bluntly answered, "Why are you here?"

Gyuvin scanned the other's face before answering, "He called me."

"It's literally 8 at night, why would you-"

"Babe, anything wrong?" Another male voice was heard from inside. Being tall, Gyuvin managed to peek over Hao's head, and saw a young, handsome man sitting on the couch. He assumed that person to be the actual detective of the case.

"No, it's nothing." Hao finally let the other in, although reluctantly. Gyuvin walked in slow steps, glancing at the detective again and again.

"Who's..." The latter asked, his boyfriend clarified, "He's Ricky's new friend."

"Oh .." The man bowed, which Gyuvin politely returned, then asked, "You must be Sung Hanbin? The detective?" For a brief moment, the other male's face looked very pale, as if he didn't like to be addressed that way. He turned to Hao, who frowned, asking, "Ricky told you about him?"

Innocent, Gyuvin answered, "Yeah.. why?"

"Fuck!" Hao cursed under his breath, then looked at his boyfriend apologetically, "I'm sorry babe, I didn't know he'd-"

"It's okay." Hanbin smiled. He showed Gyuvin the way to Ricky's room, probably to send him away for privacy. He didn't stay to listen, for he quickly went and knocked on his friend's door, in order to hear the 'very important' thing he wanted to talk about.

Ricky opened up fast, almost immediately grinned seeing Gyuvin, "You actually came?? I thought you'd pass cause it's late already!"

"Nah, I'm fine." Gyuvin carefully took a seat. He still didn't trust the other, so, stayed cautious. Ricky didn't mind that, as he started, "The folder's gone."

"What folder?"

"The locked one, remember?? In my cousin's laptop. They deleted it."

"Did they find out you did something?"

Ricky shook his head, "Nope. My guess is, Hanbin hyung's staying cautious."

"Ain't that obvious?"

Ricky tsked, "You don't think, do you?" Not to offend him even after saying something like that, he quickly added, "I called you cause I overheard them talking again, and this is definitely something we can call top secret."

"What is it?" Gyuvin looked curious.

"Remember I told you there are signs? The letters fit, so for all four murders, there must be four letters. We only have one."


"There's something else." Ricky's eyes glittered.

"Something else..?" Gyuvin tensed, the gleam in the other's eyes was sort of maniacal.

"Yep!" He popped the 'p', "I don't exactly know what, but something personal is in Hanbin hyung's hand. Something that relates to the killer."

"No way..."

"You know what- I thought I'll keep it from you, but this is so exciting! Imma tell you anyway, but don't tell anyone else, okay?"

"Yeah, sure!" Gyuvin added.

"Okay, so... Hao ge was close to the last victim."

"What??" Gyuvin was at his peak interested moment.

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