2- Password

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Ricky did not expect to get the call right after sending a text saying 'Hello detective' to the contact number he received from the interesting cafe guy. He stared at the screen, felt the vibration of his phone. How curious must he be- to be calling and agreeing to meet a complete stranger in hope of getting some clue?

He picked up, speaking in a lower tone, "Hello?"

"When and where shall we meet?" Asked the curious man, no beating around the bushes, just straight to the point.

"No what's up or how are you doing?" The blonde male teased. He heard and annoyed 'tsk' on the other side. In reply, he said, "Okay fine, are you free at 1?"


"No midnight." Ricky joked. He heard grim silence on the other end, so by clearing his throat once, said, "No, seriously. At noon."

"Text me the location then." Gyuvin, the self proclaimed detective or researcher said and then abruptly cut the call. Ricky took the phone away and stared, once again bewildered by the other's sheer will to discover the truth. It was good in a way, he needed someone to share his discoveries with, since they didn't mean that much to him.

Right on time, he got another call. The cafe guy had arrived at the location he had shared. Ricky checked out through his window, indeed, the man was outside their house, cautious, impatient, agitated. Brushing his hair back, the Chinese male walked downstairs, to welcome his new companion home. Watching him, Gyuvin clutched his sling bag strap tight, his other hand was inside the bag, holding some self defense weapon, a stun gun and a small cutter.

"Hi!" Ricky happily greeted. Getting no response, he sighed, "Fine, come along." He guided Gyuvin inside his house, which the other did upon lots of hesitation. The house was in itself a completely normal one. Duplex, most of the bedrooms on the 1st floor. Gyuvin carefully walked in, all five senses heightened. Ricky seeemd pretty relaxed, as he kept breaking lame jokes. However, he too seemed excited, once he stood outside a closed door, put a hand inside his pocket, taking out something that looked like a small notepad. Gyuvin followed him inside the room. A neatly organized one, pastel white walls and sage green bedsheet on. On one corner, on a brown table, was a laptop, which was probably Ricky's target, as he went and pulled up the lid. He then opened the notebook, at least 20 different words were written, words that had no meaning. A juxtaposition of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Looked like passwords.

"Hao ge writes his passwords down. I collected these from various notebooks he owns." Ricky chuckled. Gyuvin who was confused with the name, password and the requirement to 'steal' the passwords only blinked. The other, however, started typing, one by one from the notebook, crossing each one that didn't work.

"What are you doing?" Gyuvin finally asked, when Ricky failed a fifth time in a row.

"I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I overheard them talking about something that's hidden here, in this laptop."


"The sign we're looking for." The Chinese male clarified. "Although most of the stuff is hidden with Hanbin hyung, sometimes things are kept in Hao ge's laptop for convenience."

"Who're they?" Asked the other, "Can you please explain?"

Ricky sighed, standing straight. He looked annoyed, but also understood that Gyuvin needed at least a heads up. "Zhang Hao, my cousin, Sung Hanbin, his boyfriend. They're working on this case too."


"Except, Hanbin hyung's the actual intern detective. He's working with the cops."


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