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"You won't mind if I ask you something, right?" Gyuvin asked Ricky. They were both in the latter's room, doing each their own thing. Ricky was busy with his laptop while Gyuvin was writing something on his notebook. After that night, their dynamic got better, as both started seeing or calling each other without having the need to 'discuss' something about the case. They felt more like friends, and Ricky's house became one of Gyuvin's comfort places. In those days, Gyuvin and Hanbin talked a little more, but he failed to scoop any information about Zhang Hao. Talking to the older male was also out of question, cause Gyuvin had some sort of cold war going on with him. So, he had to resort back to Ricky for his queries.

"No, go on." Answered the Chinese male, typing something on his laptop.

"First tell me, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm reading this case about an Indonesian killer, who wanted to gain mystic power by drinking the saliva of 70 dead women."

"Is that so?" Gyuvin blinked, "Wow, sorts of crazy people who graze this earth!"

"Yeah.." Ricky looked up from his laptop, "What did you want to ask though?"

"Oh, it's just- it's about your cousin. I was wondering how him and his boyfriend started dating."

"Hm??" Ricky tilted his head, "Why do you wanna know?"

Gyuvin shrugged, "I think they're cute together, so I just wanted to know how they began."

"Hm.." the other nodded, "Their begining wasn't cute at all though."


"You see, they knew each other back in uni. Maybe they had a thing for each other, but nothing bloomed. They only got close after Park Gunwook's death."

Gyuvin stirred on his seat, "How so?"

"Gunwook was an important person to Hao ge. Like his little brother. They didn't talk or meet that much, but you could tell they're close. So when Gunwook was murdered like that, he couldn't but contact Hanbin hyung to seek justice."

"Before that, they didn't contact each other?"

"Uh huh." The older guy said, "Like I said, they just knew each other, maybe Hanbin hyung had a tiny crush on my cousin? I don't know. But after they started talking about this case, they eventually confessed and got together."

"So they're dating for a few months?"

"Two at best."

"And yet they're so dedicated to each other?"

Ricky smiled, "What's that got to do with love? It doesn't matter how long you've been loving someone. Love is just love, no?"

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled. However, he couldn't shake the thoughts off that Hao could be having some other motive. Isn't it too much of a coincidence? Why would he, after potentially ignoring Hanbin's crush on him suddenly decided to get together with him after a tragic death of someone seemingly close to him?

"Ricky, have you ever met Gunwook?"

"Not really." The elder answered.

"But why? You said they're close."

"Yeah, he used to tutor Gunwook years ago. But then they drifted apart and didn't meet quite often."

"Why not? Aren't both of them from the same town?"

"Yeah, but .. I don't know. Gunwook used to be a busy person.."

"Did he ever talk to you about this boy?"

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