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"WAKE up!" you were slapped across the face. you open your eyes only to see darkness. they blindfolded you. you tried to move your arms and legs yet they were tied up. you could tell you were sitting on a wooden chair and that they used roped to tie you down. by the sound and scent around the room, there are about six guarded men. "what do you want?" you asked. "(y/n)? is that you?" your eyes widened when you heard rosé's voice. "oh so you two know each other. that's great! by now, jungkook knows that his lover and friend are missing. once he arrives, he will have to choose between you two to save while the other dies by my hand" the kidnapper said yet you laughed. "why are you laughing?" he asked and you smirked.

"i can already tell you who he's going to save. so you might as well kill me now" you said. "i was told that jungkook spent a lot of money to find you" the kidnapper said and you scoffed. "you're an idiot" you said. "what did you just call me?" he asked, annoyed. "you clearly did not do enough research about me. the only reason why he spent so much money on me is because of revenge. i was the one who almost caused his parents's bankruptcy" you said. "plus you are horrible at kidnapping people" you then smashed the chair down using all of your strength, making it break and freeing your legs but leaving your hands tied. "get her!" the kidnapper said. you could sense his men were running towards you yet you managed to dodge their attacks and fought back with just using your head and feet. your father trained you to not only use your sight but smell and hearing. when you were little, he made you wear a blindfold for three years. if you were to use your eyes, he would beat you with your blind-cane. because of that your hearing and smelling abilities became very strong.

once you managed to get them knocked out, you smell there was a knife on the table and walked over to it, freeing your hands. you removed the blindfold and saw all of the armed men on the ground out cold. you glance over to see rosé who was shaking in fear. "they're out cold for now" you said freeing her. as she removed her blindfold, you walked over to one of them and stole their gun and keys. "y-you did all of this?" she asked looking at the men. "yes and here. take this" you hand her a gun. "i-i can't shoot" she said. "it's just for protection. there are three men outside with guns. hide while i deal with them" you grab another gun. "if i don't come back, you are to leave. understand?" you placed your hands on her shoulders. "what about you? i can't leave you here" she said. "yes you can. i have been in these situations before and i have always managed to get myself out. go hide" you said.

rosé nodded and quickly hid. she covers her mouth as she hears you fighting with those men outside. she couldn't understand how you were able to win against six buff men with guns. it's as if you have been trained for this. she then heard silence. rosé was hoping you would come back and get her. she hoped nothing bad happened to you. soon she heard the door open and she froze. fear rose in her body. "rosé, you can come out now" she heard you say. she walks out and her eyes widened when sees blood dripping down your face. you then dropped onto the ground. "(y/n)!" rosé shouted as she rushed over to you. examining your body, she sees you were bleeding from a stabbed wound in the side of your stomach. "i need to stop the bleeding" she said. "no. we need to get out of here first" you said. "you're going to bleed to death if i don't stop it" rosé said.

"i will survive. i was able to kill those men outside but don't forget that i just knocked these men out. they will wake up by the time you stop the bleeding. we need to leave now" you said getting back up. "fine but i'm taking you to the hospital" rosé helps you walk out of the building. she glanced over and saw the dead bodies of the men you killed. all of them were shot in the head. rosé unlocks the car and opens the door to help you get inside. you lay down on the car seat and pressed down on your wound. rosé gets into the driver seat and quickly starts driving away as fast she could. "i'm driving as fast as i can. hold on, (y/n)" she said. even though her brother was involved in criminal activities, she never could get used to it. "did you know who those guys were?" you asked. "no...i was getting ready to see jennie until one of them attacked me and injected me with some type of drug but it seems like they know we're close to jungkook...speaking of him, does he know you're back?" she asked.

"he does" you answered. "is it true that you used jungkook to steal his family's money?" rosé asked. "is that what he told you?" you ask and she nods. "then yes. i knew his father was a mafia and used him to get their money" you answered. "why did you do it? were you that poor? you could have asked us and we would have given you-" you cut her off. "would you have actually given me money ?" you asked. "i don't know if you knew but you left a strong impression on us. we were all spoil rich brats but you made us realize that money isn't everything. because of you, i found the love of my life who is also from the lower class but i don't care! i love him. jennie donates most of her money to charities and mingyu volunteers in helping to feed the homeless. you have changed us for the better and we thank you for that. so yes, we would have given you money" rosé said. "i am glad that you all changed...but i would still have stolen from jungkook no matter what" you said. "bullshit! you had feelings for him, didn't you!?! you two were so blind to see!" she yelled. "i never had feelings for him. i would never have feelings for him" you argued.

"because i lost all hope for love since i was five"

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