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CHAPTER | 054- ᴍᴏɴᴛʜꜱ  ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ -

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- ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ  ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ -

"EVERYTHING seems normal. you are in perfect shape" the doctor smiles at you. "thank you so much" minghao replied. "i told you that you were just overthinking it" you said. "doctor please tell her that feeling no pain is not good" minghao looked at the doctor. "he's right. most people who can't feel pain died in childhood. i am surprised you're alive" the doctor said as he closes his bag. "i used to check my body before going to bed. if i see any wounds, i treat them myself. my father wouldn't call for a doctor if i got hurt" you explained. "if anything happens, i will be here to treat you" the doctor said to you before leaving.

once the doctor left, you stood up from your bed and stretched. "am i allowed to leave now" you asked. "no. rumor has it that jungkook is here in china" minghao said which made your heart drop. "does he know i'm here?" you ask and minghao shakes his head. "from what i was told he wants to do business here and is trying to contact a rival of mine. don't worry. i made sure all of my men are at high alert for him" he explained. "i haven't heard that name in months. do you think he still believes i'm dead?" you asked. "i made sure that body was identical to yours just like i did with irene. he won't expect a thing" minghao reassures you.

"in the meantime, you should train since it's the only thing you can do for now. once i know he's gone, you can go back to live your life" he smiles before leaving your room. now that you are living as someone else, you have been doing what you have always wanted. you were back in college, studying the major that you wanted and not your father. you were able to live the life you have always dreamed of. you don't regret what you did to get where you are. jungkook would have never let you study again. he would have just kept you locked up and run his business with him. his jealousy wouldn't have allowed you to make friends. it was best for you to leave him for you to grow.

you walked over to the window and looked at minghao training with his friends. suddenly there was a knock on your door. "come in" you said without looking. "i assume minghao told you about jungkook. how do you feel?" you heard jeonghan ask. "i don't know what to feel. it's been months since i seen him" you replied. jeonghan took a seat on your bed. "do you still love him?" he asked. you look down at your feet, not sure how to answer his question. "if i was my old self, i would have killed him long ago but he's still breathing. does that answer your question?" you asked. "will you kill him now if given the chance" jeonghan asked. "i'm saving that urge for my father" you answered. "are you still going to do this?" jeonghan holds out a flyer for hysterectomy.

"i don't have a choice if i want to get out of this dark world. my enemies will always be after me. i can't have children if they're still alive. if i ever do want children, i can always adopt. plus i always have taught of adoption since i have always been i already had a hysterectomy" you smiled. "don't do it, (y/n). minghao and the others are trying to locate your father. don't give up on having a family because of him. he and your enemies will die in your hands. you will get to have a family that you have always wanted" jeonghan said. "will i? once they're all gone, the person who will get in my way is the man i'm married to. jungkook won't let me go. he especially won't if he catches me. he will keep me in this world by force because it's the only way he can keep me by his side" you said.

"you sound as if you weren't in this since you were young" you and jeonghan turn to see scoups with his arms crossed. "he joined after high school while you grew up in this world. you have more experience than him, (y/n). if he is in the way of your dreams, you can easily kill him just like you killed those men before" scoups added. "you have killed more people than him. he's nothing compared to you" he said as he hands you your throwing knife. "you have all of the mafia leaders scare of you. they know they will die if they cross your path. don't forget that" scoups said before leaving the room. "he really wants me to kill jungkook, huh?" you asked and jeonghan shrugged. "i'm not sure he that's what he was trying to say" he said.

"it clearly sounded like that" you chuckled as you played with the knife. suddenly the two of you heard a loud bang. you immediately peek through the window and saw a huge explosion. "we're under attack!" you heard minghao's men shout. jeonghan grabs your hand and drags you out of the room and out of the house with the staff. you saw many men getting their weapons out for the enemy. minghao rushes over to you and jeonghan. "hyung, take (y/n) and the staff out of here" he said which made you shake your head. "i'm not leaving you" you said yet minghao glared at you. "you are to go and that's final. i get you want to help but what if it's jungkook attacking us? do you want to go back with him?" minghao asked. "if going back to him will stop him from doing this then yes!" you yelled.

"have you realize that you have been smiling more lately than when you were married to him? do you want to go back to that man who will kill anyone to keep you from them?" your friend asked. "take her and the others away" minghao said as he walks away. you try to run after him yet jeonghan stops you. "don't go!" you yelled yet minghao ignored your cries as you got dragged away. minghao looks around to see his men injured from the explosion. then gunshots were fired. he quickly got down and pulled out his gun to fire back. minghao knew it has to be jungkook. he found out from woozi that yoongi rated him out. he was prepared to die for you. you did a lot for him in the past. it's the last thing he could do. minghao will die knowing he tried his hardest to make you happy. he pulls out his walkie-talkie and tells his men to escape.

as he watches his men run, he heads towards where the gunshots were fired to see jungkook with his men. all guns pointed at him. "it took you long" minghao said. "where is my wife?" jungkook asked but minghao laughed. "she's dead. did you forget you killed her" he replied. "don't lie to me. i was told you have her. now where the fuck is my wife" the mad man yelled. jungkook's men forced your best friend into the ground. "minghao!" scoups shouts as he rushes over. jungkook smirks and looks at the man on the ground. "i will give you a chance to tell me or else i will have to kill your hyung" jungkook said as he points the gun at scoups. "leave him out of this. he has no clue who (y/n) is" minghao said.

"really? i'm sure he was the one who gave her a fake identity" jungkook said. "i asked him to! she was here but ran away!" minghao yelled. "where!" your husband asked. "right here" he turns his head to see you walk towards him with a gun pointed at yourself. you could easily tell that he looked deranged. "if you let them go, i will go with you. yet if you kill them, i won't hesitate to kill myself" you said making eye contact with jungkook. "what are you doing!?! you should be with the others!" your friend yelled. "did you honestly think i was going to leave you two behind?" you asked as you walked over to them. "get up and run. i will be fine" you replied. "i'm not letting you go back to that psychopathic husband of yours" minghao yells. "you don't have a choice! take him away, scoups" you ordered. "now!" you yelled.

scoups grabs minghao and drags him away yet before they could, they were both shot. your eyes widened when you saw them drop down onto the ground. you were about to pull the trigger of your gun until jungkook stole it from you. "it's so cute that you thought your idea was going to work. i'm not the same man as i was before, love. you should have thought twice before deciding to run off like that. i will never let you go. do you understand me?" your husband said as he grabs your chin forcibly. 

just as jungkook was planned, you were back in his arms yet not the way he pictured it...

you were shot in the back.

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