Chapter 1

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"Agent Wolf." Kailee heard a deep voice.

Kailee turned to see Agent Thompson.

"Yes?" Kailee replied. "The boss has requested to see you." Thompson told her.

"Okay. Thank you." She replied before walking away towards the boss's office.

Kailee navigated her way through the halls of the FBI headquarters.

Kailee opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind her.

Boss looked up from his papers on his desk.

"Good evening, Miss Wolf." He greeted.

Boss, who's name was Rick Vevor, was in his early 50s and had a mustache. He had brown hair and dark green eyes. His demeanor screamed danger, but Kailee was one of the few who knew he was a nice guy.

"Hello sir. Thompson said you requested to see me?" Kailee asked.

"Ah, yes. You see, I have a mission for you. You are one of the youngest agents and the mission is required to stay undercover. I need you to be an orphan."

Now, Kailee was confused. Kailee Wolf did lots of undercover missions.

Going undercover at a school to catch a student murder.

Disguising as a bookstore helper to catch a drug dealer.

Even pretending to be a lost girl on the streets to be picked by a pedophile and catch him in the act.

But an orphan. That was new.

"Okay. Could you tell me more about this?" The twelve-year-old inquired.

Agent Vevor smiled. "Your going to be adopted by a boyband. Simon Cowell knows who you are and what your job is. He's required the boys to adopt you to 'learn responsibility', but it's actually because they need protection. The boyband's name is One Direction consisting of five members of which are Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Your name is Danielle Tregny, or Dani for short. Your parents died in a fire when someone who is unknown burnt your house down."

"Why am I babysitting a boyband?" Kailee asked.

"They are being targeted by an anonymous suspect and that suspect wants them dead. It's your job to make sure they stay alive." Agent Vevor informed her.

"I may not like this exactly but okay. I'm in."

Kailee Wolf never backed down from a mission.

Whether it was dangerous or plain irritating, annoying and stupid.


Kailee was just boarding the plane to be taken to One Direction's house.

She had everything she needed. Her guns, knives, motorcycle keys. (Yes a twelve year old has a motorcycle. Sue me.) Of course, she couldn't have her own brought, so just in case.

Her clothes, phone, spy gear, and toothbrush too.

She was set for one of the worst missions yet.


Kailee made her way through the airport looking for Simon Cowell. He was supposed to be picking her up.

Kailee searched the crowd until she saw a sign with her fake name on it, being waved around.

Kailee ran over and smiled.

"I'm Danielle Tregny."

The man smiled at her and led her into a car outside. He got in the driver's seat and she sat beside him.

"I'm Simon Cowell, Miss Wolf." The newly dubbed 'Simon' introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Cowell. I'm very sorry if this is slightly awkward for you, considering my age." Kailee smiled apologetically.

Simon laughed. "It's certainly fine Miss Wolf, and please, call me Simon."

"Call me Danielle, and we've got a deal." Kailee smirked.

Simon smiled. "Very well."


"Here we are Danielle." Simon lead Kailee to the front doors.

The house was huge! But Kailee figured that this boyband would love to show off, considering famous people brag so much.

"Before we go in, can I ask? Are these guys bratty? Childish maybe?" Kailee questioned the man.

Simon smiled at her. "These boys may be famous but they are far from bratty. Childish? If I said no, then I would be lying. But they can be serious. I wish you luck Danielle."

"Thanks." Kailee thanked him as he walked away and back to the car.

She turned back to the front door and looked at it before knocking.

"I'm gonna need it."

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