Chapter 2

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Simon smiled at her. "These boys may be famous but they are far from bratty. Childish? If I said no, then I would be lying. But they can be serious. I wish you luck Danielle."

"Thanks." Kailee thanked him as he walked away and back to the car.

She turned back to the front door and looked at it before knocking.

"I'm gonna need it."


The door opened. A boy with a blue eyes and blonde hair opened the door.

'Who is this one?' Kailee thought.

"Are you Danielle?" He asked.

"That would be me." Kailee told him, eyebrow raised.

"Oh! I'm Niall. Come on. You can meet the the guys." Niall smiled and in Kailee's opinion, hopped away like a rabbit.

Kailee rolled her eyes.

'Yah! More famous people!' Kailee thought sarcastically.

Kailee walked behind Niall silently.

Four more boys came into view.

"Hi. You must be Danielle. I'm Harry." The one with the mass of curly brown hair says.

"I'm Louis." Another introduces.

"I'm Zayn."

"I'm Liam.

"I'm Danielle Tregny, but you can call me Dani." Kailee tried not to let her irritation show through, instead acting shy.

"Come on. I'll show you your room." Liam volunteered as he lead me up some stairs.

'It better not be pink, or I swear.' Kailee thought.

He lead her to a door. Kailee stepped forward and opened it.

It has blue walls and a bed near the corner of the back of the room. A desk was placed next to it for other purposes as well. Her closet was in the other corner of the room.

She was snapped from her thoughts by a well known boyband member.

"We didn't know if you liked pink or not, so we decided to do something different." Liam told Kailee.

Kailee smiled. "Thank you, honestly. Blue is actually my favorite color. Thanks for thinking of me though. I really can't stand pink."

'Maybe their not that shallow.' Kailee admitted to herself.

"I'll leave you to organize your things." Liam told her and left the room, closing the door behind him.

'Perfect time to set up my gear.' Kailee thought.


"...... and done." Kailee clapped her hands together.

Kailee walked over to her desk where her newly set up computer was. She opened it started her spy software.

A black video screen popped up. It took a few seconds but then a man popped up.

"Hey boss." Kailee greeted.

"Hello, Agent Wolf. Any progress?"

"Not yet. I've set up all my gear and put all my stuff away. I figured I should call you to make sure you know what's going on." Kailee informed him.

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