Chapter 8

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Last time on: Undercover Danger

She especially despised paparazzi.

Her catchphrase was 'Screw them.'

Of course, the universe hated Kailee.

She heard clicking noises from the house across the street.

Kailee slammed her head against the grass and groaned.


Louis ended up picking Kailee up because of the distance between her and a certain boy band.

"Hey, Dani?"

"Yeah, Louis?"

"If you want, we can go look at those motorcycles we promised you."

"I'm grounded, remember? Or you just trying to run it in?" Kailee teased.

"No! Just because your grounded doesn't mean we can't go look, and besides. I won't tell if you won't." Louis smirked.

Kailee laughed. "Deal."


Louis parked the car and they both hopped out.

Kailee followed as they both looked at all the motorcycles.

Kailee thought a lot of them looked pretty good, but her own was even better and it was special to her as well.

She would never replace it. Especially since it was her deceased parents who gave her it.


After a while, Kailee started to get a bad feeling.

She could feel the eyes on her and Louis.

And it didn't make her feel safe.

Kailee eventually got tired of the paranoid feeling and turned around.

A man leaning against a black van was staring at them. He wore complete black with a hat and sunglasses.

Kailee inwardly scoffed. 'Totally not suspicious.'

Kailee grabbed Louis's wrist and started walking faster.

"Dani, what is it?" Louis asked.

"Louis, do what I say. Call one of your bodyguards to come pick up the car and be quick."


"Just do it!"

Louis looked at her concerned, but did as he was told.

Once that was done, Kailee grabbed his wallet and grabbed around $900.

"Hey that my money!" Louis complained.

Kailee ignored him and saw a worker near one of the motorcycles.

It was perfect.

Kailee dragged Louis over to the motorcycle and jumped on it.

She put Louis on it and took the bobby pin she kept in her hair for lock picks and started it up.

(This would be a good idea to play the song It's My Life by No Doubt.)

The engine made noise and the employee started to yell at them to get off the bike.

Kailee threw the bundle of money to the guy and sped away.

Louis started to yell. "That stunt is going to get us arrested!"

"Yeah well, it was either this or be shot in the head. So shut up!" She yelled over the engine and wind.

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