Chapter 7

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Last time on: Undercover Danger

"I don't get you, Dani. Your complicated." Louis sighed.

Kailee stood up and walked to the doorway to the living room and turned around to smile at the boy.

"It's one of my best qualities."

With that she went to her bedroom, leaving Louis in the kitchen darkness.


Kailee woke up the next morning.

She had to face the boys sometime and she had decided to get it done and over with.

She could hear the boys downstairs and she knew that they were already awake.

Here goes nothing.

Kailee walks into the kitchen.


They all turned their heads towards her.

She shifted uncomfortably under the gazes boring into her.

"Hey Dani." Louis greeted me.

She smiled at him.

She knew that the talk they had last night helped him. She silently thanked him for trying to help her.

Kailee made her way to the counter to get pancakes and put some on a plate.

She didn't feel very comfortable around anyone besides Louis at the time so she decided to eat in her room.

"I'm going to go eat in my room." She said quietly.

They didn't make a move to stop her so she decided it was okay.

She made her way out of the kitchen.


"What the heck guys!" Louis scolded.

"What?" Harry asked.

"She's uncomfortable. She knows she's in trouble and she didn't want to face us yesterday. She tried to do it today and you made her even more nervous."

"We're sorry Louis, but we're uncomfortable too." Niall said.

"You knew what she told me last night? She didn't tell me where she was, but she told me what she was doing." Louis said.

"What was she doing?" Zayn asked.

"She told am she was looking for something important."

"What, though?" Liam asked.

"She didn't tell me. I asked, but all she said was ' I don't know. Anything important.' But what I didn't get was what she needed something important on."

"So she needed to find something important but you don't know what for?" Harry confirmed.

"Exactly. She also said that she would have told us where she was if it was necessary. She wouldn't have lied if it wasn't necessary. Dani said that its not important for us to know."

"That's kind of unnerving, don't you think?" Liam asked.

Louis nodded. "I thought so too, but she said something before she left that made me think. I told her that she was complicated. She told me 'It's one of my best qualities.' and left."

"So? What part of that made you think?" Niall asked.

"That sentence meant more than you think. I didn't think anything of it until I remembered something. That car chase. She had used a gun and drove a car. I know she explained, but I feel if it's something more." Louis explained.

"Your being paranoid. What other explanation would there be?" Liam asked.

"I don't know."


Kailee hopped into the front seat of the car beside Louis.

Kailee had asked if Louis could drive her to school.

The boys agreed since Louis was the most comfortable around her at the moment.

They drove up next to the school.

Louis turned to her.

"We're here. You gonna be okay?" He asked.

Kailee smiled at him. "I'll be fine. Thanks, you know. For trying to make it easier for me."

"It's fine. You know, the boys aren't mad at you. Their just as nervous and uncomfortable as you are."

"Maybe. I'll see you after school." Kailee told him.

She got out of the car and walked towards the school.

"Bye Dani!" Louis yelled out the window, wanting to embarrass her.

People looked towards the commotion and saw what was going on.

Kailee stopped and blushed.

She turned around to give him and piece of her mind, but he was already driving away.

She yelled at him anyway. "You jerk!"

Kailee turned to see almost the whole school giving her looks like 'Louis Tomlinson knows you' and 'I thought the last name was a fake'.

Sadi and Meara bounded up to her.

"I thought that Zayn was your legal guardian? Shouldn't he drive you to school?" Meara asked.

"No. They just decided to give me Zayn's last name. They're all my legal guardians. Besides, except for Louis, the rest of the boys and I are kind of on 'avoid as much as possible' terms. It was pretty awkward this morning." Kailee said.

"Why? What did you do?" Sadi asked.

"I didn't really do anything. It's more like what I didn't do. I came home really late the day before I had to go to school and I wouldn't tell them where I was." Kailee told them.

"Where were you?" Sadi asked.


"Okay, okay. You don't have to say." Meara laughed.

"Let's go. The bell is going to ring." Sadi said.

They all skipped into the school.

Kailee was okay for now.

But she knew that the bombing the other day wasn't a coincidence.

Someone was after her.


So apparently the school cafeteria was off limits until it was rebuilt.

Lunch was going to be outside today.

Kailee, Sadi, and Meara ate on the grass.

Kailee didn't really mind. It was warm out.

"So do you know what your doing this summer?" Meara asked.

"I'm going to travel around with my mom and see my dad." Sadi says.

"I think I'm going on tour with the boys." Kailee tells them.

"Well, I'm going to do a summer program at the MET." Meara informs.

The boys had known summer was close but wanted her to get an education as fast as they could. So they thought it was okay for them to enroll her in school 2 months away from summer vacation.

They had a view interviews to go to before summer break, but most of them were during school and Kailee didn't really like the spotlight or cameras.

She especially despised paparazzi.

Her catchphrase was 'Screw them.'

Of course, the universe hated Kailee.

She heard clicking noises from the house across the street.

Kailee slammed her head against the grass and groaned.

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