Chapter 5

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"Bye!" She yelled as she ran out the door, picking up her skateboard that she placed by the door we first day here.

"Oh and you have to meet Kevin when you get back!" Louis yelled.

'Who the hel* is Kevin?' Kailee thought.

She shook it off and rode her skateboard to the skatepark, wondering what school would be like.


Kailee made her way to the skatepark, every once in a while flipping her board for fun.

She finally made it and looked at the ramps and area.

It had a big ramp with two ends so she could ride back and forth, flying up at the end every time she rode it.

It had a few small ones and some stair railings to ride on. It also had enough room to just normally ride around.

It also had a course that could be used for racing.

'Not bad.' Kailee admitted.

She saw a couple of boys riding around already and they seemed to be having a good time.

Kailee smiled and started towards it, carrying her skateboard after picking it up.

"Hey, babe."

Kailee turned to her left to find the boys that were riding a minute ago come up to her.

She repressed the urge to punch the boy for calling her 'babe'.

There were only two of them. One had black emo hair while the other had spiky blonde hair. They both seemed to be normal looking and had jeans on. The emo hair kid had a green t-shirt while the other had a red. The spiky blonder kid was talking to her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What's a girl like you doing here?"

"What's that supposed to mean? Can't anybody ride here?" Kailee asked, starting to get annoyed.

"Well, yeah. But girls can't ride."

"And why not?" Kailee's eyes narrowed and she frowned.

"You can ride here, but you'll just end up falling on your face. Girls don't skateboard. They shop for heels and skirts."

"That's stereotype, buster. Besides, I could kick your butts at this course." Kailee bragged.

"One, it's not 'buster' hon, I'm Jake."

"And I'm Chris." the emo kid said.

"And two, we could own you." Jake said.

"Let's see about that. Oh and it's not 'babe' either. It's Dani." She turned heel and started towards the course.

The boys followed her.

They all got into line up positions and got ready.

"Ready?" Chris asked her.

"Hel* yeah!" Kailee smirked.

"1...2...3... GO!" Jake yelled.

And they were off.

Kailee pushed her self and went flying.

They were all neck in neck, but Kailee jumped the rails, riding them down.

Jake and Chris did too, but she had come farther off the end, helping her.

She was in the lead.

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