Chapter 11

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Last time on: Undercover Danger

Kailee jumped in front of the barrel of the gun and took out her own.

Two gunshots were heard through the alleyway.

And two bodies dropped.


Beep...Beep... Beep...Beep

Kailee woke up to the sound of a heart monitor.

She realized that she was in a hospital bed and tried to remember what happened.

A doctor came in and smiled.

"Oh, your awake. Some boys want to see you. And two girls."

Kailee didn't know who the girls were but decided not to ask.

"Send them in."

Nodding, the man walked out.

About a minute later, the band stepped in and Kailee saw Meara and Sadi.

Now she knew who the girls were.

"Kailee!" The all chorused. Except Sadi and Meara. The said Dani.

That got odd looks.

"I'll explain later. First tell me what happened." Kailee said.

Niall started. "You jumped in from God the gun and shot Roderick. But he also shot. Luckily it hit your stomach. We rushed you to the hospital."

"Where is Roderick anyway?" Kailee asked.

"You shot him in the head. Figure it out." Harry said.

Kailee blushed.

"Um, we would like an explanation." Meara gestured to her and Sadi.

"Okay, so don't freak out, but my name is not Danielle. It's Kailee and my real last name is Wolf. I'm a secret agent and spy for the FBI to protect One Direction from a mass murder, Roderick Prop. I was kind of undercover."

They both had wide eyes. "Wow."

"Yep.." Kailee said nervously.

"So your leaving?" Sadi asked.

"Probably. But we can still keep in touch. Just don't tell anyone who I really was." Kailee informed.

"That's a no brainer. But okay."


Kailee stood outside a white car with the band and her friends in front of her
a week later.

"So I guess this is it." Kailee said.

"We are going to miss you." Sadi said.

"We can still text and call on the phone." Kailee said.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Meara replied.

"Honestly, I can't say I had a bad time. You guys were all that bad." Kailee smirked.

"What did you think we were like?" Louis asked.

"Bratty, cocky, all of the pop star attitudes."

"That's stereotype." Liam grumbled.

I snickered.

"Miss Wolf. We have to catch our flight." The driver stated.

"Okay, be right there." Kailee called.

"See you, later?" Kailee asked.

"Definitely." The chorused.

Kailee smiled and they all group hugged.

Kailee let go and got into the car.

She waved to them as they drove farther away.

It isn't over! I have one more thing to post and then the book is over! Last chapter up soon!

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