Chapter 9

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Last time on: Undercover Danger

It was dark and evil. He visibly shuddered.

Kailee turned around to face him.

"Let's go home." Louis didn't say anything.

He just got on the bike with Kailee and she drove off of the train, hitting the ground with a thump and zoomed off.


Kailee and Louis got off the bike and she parked it.

Kailee headed towards the doors of the house, trying to avoid Louis.

"Dani..." His voice stopped the girl and se flinched at the warning tone in it.

"What?" Her voice was sad and cracked a bit. Louis noticed and softened.

"What was that? And don't give me that  other story. I know that's not the truth."

Kailee turned to face the boy. "It's not important."

"It's not important! Dani, a man just tried to shoot at us!" Louis yelled.

Kailee hoped the boys wouldn't wake up because it was especially late at night.

"Louis, you don't understand! I'm doing this to protect you guys, okay! Your not supposed to know!"

"Why?! Dani, your in danger. We're in danger. Please, for once, trust me." Louis softened at the end.

"Fine. My name is not Danielle Tregny. It's Kailee Wolf. I'm a twelve year old spy for the government sent to protect you while I'm undercover. My parents never taught me that, the government did. Those were the men sent to kill you! Are you happy now, Louis?! Huh!?"

Louis didn't move. "This is a joke." He managed to get out.

"It's not. It explains my behavior, does it not? Louis, you can't tell the boys. No one. I'm trusting you here. I'm not supposed to be discovered."

"I promise, Da- Kailee."

Kailee smiled. "Thanks. I'm going to bed."

Kailee walked into the house.

Louis still outside in the night, smiled slightly.

"Goodnight, Kailee."


"Hey boss."

"Hello, Miss Wolf."

"I was attacked today with Louis. The leader's first name is Roderick."

"I think I know who you're talking about. Roderick Prop. He was in the agency until he turned against us for money and crime."

Kailee rubbed her face. "Do you have any info on whether or not he will attack again?"

"Maybe. He seems to attack wen you are in public, yes? Well, lead him into a trap. Have you and that band go eat out and make sure that you are known. He will most likely attack then."

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