hannah bday chapter (let the roses thrive again)

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a/n: This was a birthday chapter I was going to make for Hannahxxrose, but never finished in time - or at all haha. My last edit to this draft was 02/28/23 at 5:23pm.


Request: No
Type: Tiny but of angst, some fluff
Ages: All irl :))
AU: Minecraft

A/N: I am officially a Hannahxxrose fan this is a really difficult thing for me to admit as I never thought it would happen.. FUCK YOU (/lh) IT WAS ALWAYS GONNA HAPPEN. I've gotten into Hannah a bit more recently cause she's been hanging out w/ the DTeam and stuff and she's been posting more on snap. Hannah's a sweetheart and I love her. Anyway, happy birthday Hannah!!! <333

hannah's roses are wilting around the dsmp and she can't bring them all back for her bday because roses mean a lot to her (rose fairy who takes care of roses - secretly the goddess of roses yes that's made up probably)

everyone - eret's idea - gets together to replant every rose they see so they will be thriving to the sun and her on her bday <3

in: hannah, eret
mentions: ranboo, tommy, tubbo, wilbur, kristen

*third person*
Hannah's day hadn't been going as she wanted it to go. It was her birthday, for crying out loud, and she couldn't be happy for anything!

She loved her birthday - she always looked forward to it, counting down the days of February until she would eventually wake up on the 28th and smile.

This year was different.

Everything on the Dream SMP wasn't like it used to be last year. It was all run down, some red vines still laid about. It was always grey - the sun rarely shining anymore, like it knew that even it's rays couldn't make the day better.

Since there wasn't much sun anymore, that meant flowers couldn't thrive. This hurt more than Hannah, being attached to flowers and all.

It hurt Ranboo, the poor enderman hybrid. He loved nothing more than sitting in a field of flowers, even picking some to make flower crowns to give his friends. Sometimes, he just carried them in his hands, feeling the stem between his long fingers.

It hurt Tommy, the poor avian. Tommy had always been connected to flowers - being friends with Tubbo, who's a firm lover of bees. The blonde always had a flower crown with him in the past, and loved learning the meanings of them to give the proper flower to the proper person.

And, it hurt Hannah, too. She was - unknowingly to everyone else - the Goddess of Roses. She was a rose fairy. Without roses, she slowly had less energy and the red on her outfit became drained and watered down.

(I'm pretty sure there isn't a thing such as a Goddess of Roses, but if there is or something similar exists, lemme know in the comments as I'm interested in learning!!)

No one noticed, either. She didn't expect them to, to be honest. There were concerned glances from others at her off-coloured outfit and her sluggish walking, but she ignored it.

Her birthday sucked the most. This was because on her birthday, the roses celebrated. They lifted their soft, red petals in her direction, practically beaming to be in her presence.

But, since the days that passed were drained and colourless, almost all the roses wilted to nothing, and red vines crossed over the lands they used to bloom over. Around Hannah's house was once red and colourful with roses - now it's still red, just not in the way she wants or needs.

*eret's pov*
As I stared from my castle window, I couldn't help but notice the lack of colour.

The server used to be much more colourful and upbeat, good yelling and screaming coming from outside as the younger members played.

There was music - both from the discs Tommy ensured were always playing to keep him calm and Wilbur's guitar. He always found a way to make his guitar blend in beautifully with the discs. It showed his true talent and potential as a musician.

I slowly noticed the lack of flowers. Usually flowers were all over the server, covering a large percentage of land with their colour. Typically, Ranboo kept them up with Tommy.

And Hannah.

Thinking about it, the last time I remember seeing Hannah was the Red Banquet. She had taken one of Purple's canon lives (Did she? I can't remember actuality lol I might be thinking of a fic / one shot I read lmaoo) and then basically disappeared.

I wonder where she is.

*hannah pov*
Each day hurt more than the next. I needed my flowers back but I no longer had the energy to replant new roses around my house.

I was dying.

My birthday was in four days as well and I had nothing left in me. It's one of the worst signs as a God or Goddess. Lacking energy and the feeling of power.

Realistically, Gods and Goddess' - such as myself - can't really die. We're immortal. But we can run out of energy to the point we can barely more. So, technically, the verge of death but not.

We can only really die if one of the higher-up's takes our soul from immortality. That specifically is Kristen's job. I wouldn't mind seeing her if I'm honest.

I slowly moved my head to look out of my bedroom window. I felt myself dip deeper into my bed, getting weaker. Not seeing flowers only makes things worse. I wish I had blinds.

Before I could control myself, my eyes slipped shut.

I immediately saw Kristen once I finished exhaling. Was she here to take my soul? Finally?

*eret pov* lol again 👍
I eventually made it to Hannah's house, and it looked so much darker than it normally did.

Usually, flowers were everywhere

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