2 - touch

231 7 8

TW!!: SA

(Johnnie's pov)

I woke up, opening my eyes drowsily. As I sat up, I pulled the covers off of me. Footsteps walked past my door down the hall, which I then heard trail down the stairs. It must be Jake, after all he does get up really early. I walked over to my door and opened it, walking downstairs.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I spotted Jake sitting on the couch. He was on the phone with someone, although I wasn't sure who. "Ok, we'll be there around 5 or 6. See you then!" I heard Jake say as he finished up the call. I walked over to him, rubbing my eyes. "Who was that?" I asked sleepily.

"Just Tara, she was asking if we could come to the party at her house later if that's ok with you?" He replied, putting his phone down. "Mhm." I hum a tiny sound of approval. "Well, what do you wanna do while we wait. After all, it's only 2pm." Jake said. "WHAT I SLEPT UNTIL TWO IN THE AFTERNOON?!" I exclaim, covering my hand over my mouth. Jake giggled at the shocked look on my face.

"Well, do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks, patting a seat on the couch for me. I walk over and sit down on the spot he'd gestured to. "Sure. pick something if you wanna watch anything!" I said, making myself comfortable. We ended up picking the crow.

I kept drifting in and out of sleep, as it was too cold for me to be comfortable.


At one point I guess I fell asleep, because when I woke up I was laying on Jake's chest.


My heartbeat sped up a little as butterflies formed inside of my stomach. Wait... Why was I getting butterflies? Jake is my best friend. I should not be thinking of him in that way..

This had to be a dream. Suddenly, I felt Jake's hand caressing my waist. It felt so good. This moment couldn't be real. Oh shit. Tara had a party we were supposed to go to! I got up from Jake's arms, checking the time on the oven clock. It read 5:34pm. I hurried over to Jake, gently shaking him awake. "Jake! Come on! We only have thirty minutes until the party starts!!"


As I hopped into the passenger seat of Jake's car, I finished blending out my eyeshadow with one finger. "You mind putting Tara's address into the phone for me?" Jake asked me. "Yeah, sure." I replied. When I finished putting it in, I set the phone on the center console so Jake could see. "Ok, we have like ten minutes until we get there."


Jake and I got out of the car, looking around and seeing a bunch of other cars there. We both walked inside, being revealed to what looked like hundreds of people dancing and talking to one another. In case you didn't know, party's aren't really my thing. Well, Jake on the other hand loves partys.

I held Jake's hand as he guided me through the crowd and onto the couch. "Stay here and I'll go get us some drinks, ok?" He said, walking away before I got the chance to speak.

About five minutes had passed, and I still didn't see Jake yet. Suddenly, a hand grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom. I couldn't see who it was, due to the sea of people. As the person closed and locked the bathroom door, they turned off the lights. Who the fuck was this? At first I had suspected it was Jake, but I don't think this would be something he would do.

"Get on your knees, bitch." I heard the person's voice grumble. I knew now that it was a man. Definitely not Jake, though. "No! Get away fro-" I was cut off by his hand covering my mouth and pushing me to the ground. I struggled to move under his strong grip.

I heard a belt buckle being undone, and a zipper. Suddenly, I felt something get shoved into my mouth. The guy started deep throating me roughly. "G-GET OFF M-ME!" My words were muffled with the guy's private area shoving in and out of my mouth.

Tears were now spilling out of my eyes as I struggled to get free from the person's tight grip on me. The guy finally ended the session of what he was doing to me, and buckled his belt back up. "We should do that again another time." The guy said as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving me a sobbing mess on the floor.

I wiped my mouth of the residue left behind and crawled over to the corner of the bathroom. I sat there for a minute, thinking about what had just happened, and who it was. Get over it. It's not that big of a deal. A tiny voice in my head told me.

I got up from the floor, wiping my eyes with my sleeves. I opened the bathroom door, climbing back out into the crowd of people. I spotted Jake talking to Tara with a worried look on his face. I ran over to him, grabbing his hand tightly. Jake whipped his head around to face me.

"Oh my God! Johnnie, you had me worried sick, I couldn't find you at all, and I didn't know what happened to you." He said quickly. "Can w-we just go now?" I stuttered as I gripped his hand tighter. "Yeah.. are you okay?" He asked as he noticed the smeared makeup all over my face.

I didn't respond, I just dragged him out of the party and into the car. We sat there for a hot minute before Jake spoke. "Johnnie... You know you can tell me anything, right?" I avoided his gaze, not wanting to share what had happened to me at the party. In that bathroom..

"I- Well- yeah, I know." I whispered back to him. Jake started the car, interrupting the tension between us.



Word count:  1063

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