6 - his face

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(Jake's POV)

Johnnie and I were sitting on his bed. It was now 2:00pm. Johnnie was laid right next to me on his bed. I assumed that he'd want some company, so I stayed in his room. He'd put on a long-sleeve over the bandages. I wish he didn't feel the need to hide things from me.

We were both scrolling on tiktok. Well, I wasn't really paying attention to my phone. I was looking at Johnnie out of the corner of my eye. I hope he doesn't notice.

(Switch to johnnie's pov)

I can tell Jake's looking at me. It's pretty obvious. I don't think he knows i know though. It's fine. I guess he's just looking out for me. Shit. I forgot we were supposed to go over to Tara's place.

"Oh yeah. Jake." I say, sitting up.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"I forgot that Tara asked us to come over to her place to help her get ready for something."

"Ok, cool. What time?"

"About 3:00. So we should probably get ready."

(Time skip to after they're done helping Tara get ready for the party)

"Come on! Can you please stay for at least some of the party?" Tara begs.

"Ok fine." I reluctantly give in.

As the party started to flood with people, I stood close to Jake. I took drink after drink, my vision soon becoming a blur. "Hey, Johnnie. It's time to go." Jake said to me as I drank what seemed to be my thirteen shot.

"Nooooo I don't wannaaa" I whined, my words slurring as I spoke. "Come on. The party's over. Sorry." Jake said, dragging me outside.

"Jakeee nooo." I said, attempting to pull him back to Tara's house.

(Jake's POV)

"Johnnie. Seriously. We have to go now, I ordered an Uber and it's here. Look." I say as I point to the black car parked on the curb with the word Uber on it.

"Ok." Johnnie mumbled as I dragged him to the car. We both hopped in the back. "Sorry for the wait." I apologized to the driver. He gave a little nod, and started to drive.


As we arrived home, Johnnie stumbled inside. He laid down on the couch, kicking his shoes off, revealing his socked feet. He curled up into a tiny ball, closing his eyes.

I sat down next to him as I took off my shoes. Johnnie opened his eyes, scanning my body up and down. "You're so pretty, Jake." He muttered, moving so now his head was rested on my Criss-Crossed lap.

"You're just drunk." I whisper, denying the fact he might also have feelings for me. But I knew that when you're drunk the truth comes out just as easily as a lie does.

"No. I love you. So much." He says, sitting up. He looks me in the eyes, leaning closer and closer to my lips. He placed a hand on my cheek, leaning in to kiss me. Our lips met. Slowly at first, but more heated by the second.

I ran my fingers through his hair as we made out together. God, I wish this moment would last forever.

We pulled away from eachother, Johnnie staring straight back at me. His eyes were halfway closed, a tired look spreading across his face.

Johnnie curled up into a ball once again, laying his head down on my lap. "I love you so much, Jake." Johnnie whispered, squeezing my thigh. As he started to drift off to sleep his grip on me loosened. I soon heard slight snoring sounds coming from his mouth.

His beautiful face. "I love you." I whispered back.


Sorry this one took so long ):

I SLICED MY FUCKING FINGER OPENN so I couldn't type for a while.


Word count: 650

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