10 - cuddle

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(Tara's pov) /her side of the scene

I got out of my bright pink car, walking over to the front door of Jake and johnnie's house. I decided to surprise them that I was here since I'd been out of town for a couple of days.

I have a key to their house since we're so close, so I decided to use that to go in. I turned the key slowly in the front door, unlocking it quietly. As I opened the door, I realized how quiet it was in here.

There was nobody in the kitchen or living room. I guess they're in their rooms. I walked up the stairs and over to Johnnie's room. I decided to go to Johnnie's room because he would most likely be asleep. I could get a bigger scare out of him.

As I got closer to his door, I heard voices coming from inside. I pressed my ear against the door, trying to listen in. "Ahh~ Fuck~" I heard a voice which sounded like johnnie's coming from the inside.

Holy shit. Was he jerking off or something? As the moans died down, I knocked on the door. I heard rushing around inside, soft whispers as well. Was there more than one person in there?

The door opened, revealing Jake standing in front of me, his hair tussled up, sweat beads forming on his forehead.

"Boo?" I said, confused at the situation laying out in front of me. "Sorry, uhm- come in!" Jake said hurriedly. He opened the door all the way, revealing Johnnie sitting on the bed, out of breath.

I sat down on the bed next to him, crossing my legs. What the fuck were they doing before I walked in? I turned to face Johnnie, opening my mouth to say hi, but stopping as I was about to speak.

Holy shit. This was all adding up!

Johnnie's jeans were unzipped.

Jake's hair was all messed up, and sweaty.

And the moans I heard coming from inside the room earlier.

Were they having sex?!

(Johnnie's POV)

Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. No. Tara practically walked in on us having sex! Well, I'm sure she doesn't know.

"So, what have you guys been doing?" Tara asks, raising her eyebrows suspiciously. "U-uhm we've just been chilling. You know." Jake says nervously.

"Wait a minute..." Tara says. My heart races. Did we just get caught?

"Did you guys have sex!?" Tara exclaims, putting a hand over her mouth. How could I respond to that?

'yes we had sex' no! That sounds weird. "W-what! No of course not!" Jake exclaimed, saving me from having to answer.

"Come on, guys. It's pretty obvious." Tara said, looking at us with a smirk. "Listen, I know that it's not my place to but in with your lives, so I'll just leave you guys be. I'll text ya later, okay?" Tara said, waving as she shut the bedroom door, walking out of the house.

"Well... It could've been worse?" I said nervously, giggling a bit. I flopped back down onto the bed. Jake flopped down next to me, biting my neck teasingly. "I guess we'll have to finish this another day?" Jake said, pulling me in so now his arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me close.

It took a while for me to drift off to sleep since the butterflies in my stomach... But eventually we both drifted away to a deep, deep slumber.



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