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December 29th,2022
🌃 Leo Penthouse

You ever love someone so much you would kill for them?

I sat in my chair watching her sleep. The room was pitch black and the only light reflecting in  was coming from the bathroom.

She was sprawled out on her stomach and had her thumb in her mouth.

I should take a picture and show her later,because she swears she don't suck her thumb.

Chuckling,I leaned back in my chair and continued watching her.

My baby.

My peace.

My MJ.

I feel sorry for any nigga or bitch that think they could fuck with my baby and not get dealt with.

1 week ago
🌃 Leo's Penthouse


As my phone rang,I reached over and grabbed it, I opened my eyes to see who was calling me this late.


"Hello",I answered.

"Hey Leo,I'm sorry for call so late and waking you up" she sniffles.

"What happened!?" I anxiously ask,my mind instantly starts thinking negatively.

"We went to a club called Meca and there was this guy there that was trying to talk to MJ but she dubbed him anyways she went to the bathroom and he followed her inside and almost raped her" she answered while crying.

Trinity must be talking about a different MJ.

Because she can't be talking about my MJ.

"Which MJ? My MJ?" I asked as I sat up in bed.

"Yes Leo" she answered.


"Leo that fucking bitch ass nigga,hit MJ and her fucking face is swollen. Word to my dead,if they don't kill that nigga,I'm going to kill him myself" Ava yelled in the background.

"Don't worry,my dad is going to handle it" someone said in the background.

That must be one of MJ cousins.

I got off my bed and walked inside my closet,I put my phone on speaker while I grabbed my black Louis Vuitton duffel bag.

"Trinity send me the addy,I'm about to book my flight" I said as I put my necessities and clothes inside my duffel.

"Ok" she said.

"Don't tell MJ I'm coming" I said before ending the call then called Nuski. He answered on the second ring.

"Yo" he answered,sleep evident in his voice.

"I need a flight to Jamaica" I said zipping up my duffel before making my way to the bathroom.

"Nigga leave that girl alone,she's enjoying herself" he joked.

I hissed my teeth before responding,

"Nigga,I'm going to handle something" I said.

"Ohh my fault,give me five minutes" he said.

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