37.Three The Hard Way

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Few Days Later
August 19th,2023
🌃 Leo Penthouse


2:15 am

"Leo" Madison whispered poking Leo repeatedly.

Leo stirred in his sleep,then opened his eyes.

"What!?" he asked a bit annoyed,Madison frowned. She low key wished she didn't wake him up because he was already doing too much and he just woke up.

"I can't sleep" Madison answered.

"So watch a movie or something" Leo said.

"I don't want to,can you stay up with me pleaseeeee?" Madison questioned.

"No,baby my stitches hurt and I got a headache" Leo answered.

"Shaking my head,this how you treat your pregnant girlfriend" Madison said folding her arms under her breast with a pout.

"You've been pregnant for like two seconds,relax" Leo said closing his eyes.

"You're such a asshole" Madison said before she got off the bed and walked out the  room,slamming the door shut. She headed towards Legends room and went inside.

"Bear" Madison whispered poking Legend continuously.

He woke up and looked at her confused,

"Hmm,are you ok?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

His concerned and tone brought tears to her eyes,he was so sweet and caring for his age. Giselle might be a weird ass bitch but she's a good mother. Wiping her eyes,she responded,"I'm fine,I'm just letting you know that I'm sleeping in here tonight because your dad was being mean to me".

"Ok" Legend said burying his face into his pillow,closing his eyes.

Madison climbed onto the top bunk and got under the covers because Legend's room was freezing,he was prone to having nosebleeds whenever it was too hot so the AC in his room was always on. She looked around his room and smiled,his room was definitely her favorite in the house after all she did decorate it.

 She looked around his room and smiled,his room was definitely her favorite in the house after all she did decorate it

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She couldn't wait to find out the gender of the baby and start decorating the nursery. Her smile grew bigger at the thought,she placed her hand on her stomach and gently rubbed it. Happy tears began cascading down the side of her face,she couldn't believe she's going to be a mother but she was more than ready for this new life and journey God has bestowed upon her.

"For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart" Madison said happily.
(1 Samuel 1:27)

A few hours later
8:47 am

"Here you go bear" Madison said handing  Legend a plate of food.

"Thank you" Legend said while smiling.

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