Aunt Josophine's

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Standing out in the cold they rang the doorbell. Next thing they new Cole opened the door.
"Oh my god!!! ANNE!" He said so surprised.
"Ahhhh COLE!"
They hugged so tightly giggling until he noticed the baby.
"What!?!?! Your pregnant!" He looked at her belly and then looked at Gilbert noticing he was there too. "Oh Gilbert come in!"
They entered into the magnificent house. "Aunt Josephine you have guests!" Cole called upstairs.
"Oh is that Anne and Gilbert!"
"Yes and you failed to mention that they were coming over"
"Oh Anne! Welcome" Once she was fully down the stairs she noticed something. "Anne what on earth happened to you! Are you pregnant!"
"And you didn't tell me! Why I can't believe it" said Aunt Josephine.
"Im so sorry I truely meant to tell you. I did! But then I may have forgotten."
"Oh well please sit down" Aunt Josephine said worryingly as she led them to the lounge room. "So please tell me more, how far along are you?" Asked Aunt Josephine.
"Yes we want to know moreeeee" Cole said.
"Six months" replied Anne as she held Gilbert's hand.
"And do you have names?" Asked Aunt Josephine.
"Joyce for a girlie and we aren't sure on boys name yet but Anne says she knows it's a girl." Gilbert replied smiling.
"Yes and we can call her Joy for short" Anne said.
That afternoon went on and music played as they started dancing all night it was extremely fun. Gilbert had fallen asleep on the lounge and Aunt Josephine went to sleep hours ago but Cole and Anne were still awake lying and talking on the floor.
"I can't believe your pregnant" exclaimed Cole.
"I can't believe it either" exclaimed Anne "I was scared at first but now I am so excited there is a living person in me that is half me, half Gilbert. It is just so beautiful."
"Mmmh it is" they sat there and fell asleep.
Gilbert awoke stressed realising that he had fallen asleep and didn't know where Anne was. Then he realised she was peacefully snoring on the floor and he smiled.

Annes first bornWhere stories live. Discover now