Diana's in town

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Anne felt the baby kicking all night and could not get to sleep until she finally did at 4 in the morning. She awoke at 7:00 to breakfast in bed and her husbands hand on her stomach as he could feel the kicks.
"There so cute" he said as Anne woke.
"There annoying" Anne replied grumpily.
"Did you remember that Diana's coming today" Gilbert said knowing that it would brighten her.
"Oh my god I completely forgot!" Anne said as she got up so quickly she spilt the water on the tray next to her.
A few hours later the door bell rang and Anne knew it was her dear friend Diana Barry. She raced downstairs and flung open the door.
The two friends hugged but it was kind of hard for Anne to hug people now.
"Oh my wow your baby is so big!"
"Yes it has grown" Anne said. "It is quite frustrating really"
"So where is Gilbert?" Diana asked.
"He's at work he left this morning" Anne replied. "And I am taking some time of teaching. Oh! Come let's sit." The girls sat together hugging.
"I'm just so glad to be with you. I miss school life when we lived so close and I miss being with you." Diana said her eyes tearing up.
"Oh Diana I'm so sad that we are parted." She hugged her dear friend tighter both crying. "do you want to go on an adventure?"
"Yes! Why that is exactly what I want!"
"Come let's go out I have yet to explore so much in the forest nearby still." The girls set of with two sandwiches and there imaginations. "Ahh the bird calls are so beautiful." Anne said looking up at the trees.
"They really are!" Diana said.
"Come on let's lay down!" Anne said as she got on the floor and lay down giggling. She patted the spot next to her suggesting for Diana to lay down with her. Diana got on the floor and planted herself in the autumn leaves. The girls hugged and giggled. Then they sat there for a moment remembering all the moments in there friendship.

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