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Gilbert was trying to hold himself together in front of Anne who didn't know what was happening. He took Marilla out to show her what had happened. Gilbert couldn't hold it in, his mouth trembling, eventually he bursted out crying. Marilla was in shock after seeing what had happened and didn't say a word. She went over and softly wrapped her arms around Gilbert who was dreadfully in pain of sadness and grief. She rubbed his back and Gilbert knew he needed to be strong  for Anne. He sniffled and wipes his eyes. Looking at Marilla he nodded and laid the baby on a bed. He looked at the baby and how beautiful she was. Tears ran down his face again he couldn't stop them as they fell to the ground. Marilla came and rubbed his back once more.
"You need to tell Anne" Marilla spoke very softly. He knew she was right but he didn't want to.
"I know" He said as he got up wiped his eyes and they walked into the bedroom.

Once they came in Anne knew there was something wrong. "Why can't I see our baby?" she said who was confused and weak. Gilbert came and sat next her gripping tightly to her hands unable to face her eyes.

"I- your- the" he took a deep breath he didn't know how to start. "the...... baby's" Gilberts eyes were full of tears and his voice trembled. "It's... dead"
"What?" Anne's voice trembled. "I- I don't understand"
"There's nothing that we can do" said Gilbert taking a sharp in breath trying desperately not to cry but was failing.
The noise around her went fuzzy and her vision blurred, her body went into full shock. Gilbert looked at her scared his face full of emotions but hers was completely blank. She could hear her pulse loud in her head. Her hands trembled and she felt faint. She fainted.

Eventually Anne had awoke. She felt so weak she couldn't move. Gilbert sat next to her holding her hand praying she would be ok.
"Here" Gilbert said as he tried to give her some honey.
Anne was so weak she couldn't talk to much but manage to let out a soft no as she shook her head slightly. She was looking down. Gilbert was very scared he had never seen her like this.
Anne slightly opened her mouth and excepted the food. Gilbert fed it to her slowly and kissed the top of her head. He sat with her for a bit before heading down to see Marilla. He took a deep breath in and out. Marilla looked at him compassionately
"Gilbert you don't have to be strong" Marilla said which even though she always thought everyone always had to be strong could see this wasn't the case. "This is happening to you too"
Gilbert looked at Marilla and his face started to water. "Thank you" he said looking at her. "I- I just don't know... what- what to do" he said shaking his head. He went over to the baby tears streaming down his face. He stroked the baby's forehead.
"Anne- she needs you" Marilla said looking over at Gilbert. He got up and nodded his head.

Then went up with a bowl of soup. As he came in and saw her sitting in the same spot still looking down. He sat beside her and stroked her head.
"Anne please eat something." Gilbert said desperate to get some food into her. She slightly opened her mouth as Gilbert fed her a spoonful of soup. It took her a long time for her to swallow it. Gilbert offered another spoon but she shook her head.
As a child she would have said she was in the depths of despair, but this was worse than the depths of despair. She was in deep shock and felt she couldn't move. She knew that if she didn't eat she would die as she was so weak after last night but part of her didn't want to bother keeping her body moving and just wanted to fade away.

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