1- Special Experiment

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I was in my office looking at all the screens, since I'm supposed to make sure they're doing fine and what not. I was basically in charge of everything that goes around here.

But sometimes I hated it, seeing these poor people or even poor animals who have to get experimented on is horrible. But I didn't feel sorry for them. Because I was one of them. My father experienced on me when I turned 8 years old.

I almost died 15 times during those experiments. Plus I don't even remember why he was doing them, he just wanted to make sure that they would work and some of them did. I'm now stuck in immortality, I cannot die.

I can control fire, but that's when I'm really stressed out. I have one white eye, and the other a light bright green color. I keep that one covered with my eye patch, and say that my eye was torn out. My father handed over this experiment building to me, and I just hired some new people.

They all obeyed me, and I liked it like that. I'm 6'5 and I have a big scratch mark on my face where my white eye is. And that scar was from a lion, my dad was testing to see if I would die since he made me get immortality and wanted to see if I would die. But I didn't, when the lion scratched me. It died instead, and out of nowhere.

I hated my childhood, I became an adult at the age of 9. I had to only depend on myself, as I didn't have a mom back then. She left when I turned 5, and I was the only kid. But I was never a child to begin with. My parents are the devil himself. I will never forgive my dad for what he did to me, even till his day.

My dad passed away two years ago, and I'm not even sorry for him. I didn't shed any tears, but tears of joy that I was finally free from him. He left everything to me of course, but I wasn't wanting anything from him, since it just brings back up unwanted memories.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when I heard knocks on my door.

" Come in " I said uninterested, and looked at the screens not wanting to see who it was.

" Hello sir, I was just wanting to let you know that we catched a special experiment. "

I looked at the woman in my office, and raised a brow.

" How so? " I said and she smiled and walked to my desk and pointed at a certain cell, and I saw him. Slenderman. He was at least 8ft tall. He was very skinny, and he had tendrils coming from his back. He was limp, and looked to be on drugs since we have to drug them so they don't harm us. I felt my lips curling into a smirk, and nodded.

I wanted him in here.

" Very nice Barbara, but that cell is too small. Next week, I want him in here. " I said and her smile faded into one of shock.

" What? He's dangerous! Did you know he tore one of the guards apart when- " she didn't get to finish when i interrupted her. I hated when they questioned me.

" Don't question me, I don't care. I'm going to have him in here by next week. So keep a close eye on him. Now get out of my office. " I said and she bowed and left immediately. I then smiled more, and looked around my spacious office that was plain and depressing.

I needed to get the room into my personality anyways. I stood up, and walked around and positioned the furniture the way I wanted. The office was a light brown color, and the furniture was white and black. I had black marble floor, and the ceiling had a nice chandelier hanging down that gave enough lighting but it felt euphoric in some way.

I then put my hands on my hips and scanned the spacious room. I had big long windows that made the sunlight reach the room and light it up, but my office was in the way back in the corner so I wasn't blinded by it. And knew he was going to be atleast next to my desk against the wall infront of me.

The sunlight won't hit him, and it will be perfect for me. I felt my lips curl into a smile, and I couldn't help but feel exhilarating to me. But all I had to do now was make the cell which would at least take 6 days. And I couldn't wait.

I then sat back in my desk, and looked through the cams and went back to watch him. He looked tired out, and I knew he didn't know what was going on, but he was safe. Going to be if he is with me, and always with me.

I knew I wouldn't hurt him, but I did want him for myself. I heard stories about him and thought it was fake, but I just decided to wait. And now I finally had him. And I wasn't going to let him go.

Slenderman Pov-

I was in the forest as usual, wanting to let my anger out since the proxies are just annoying more as usual. I saw a human enter my forest, and wanted nothing but to tear them apart and hear their flesh crack and squirt. It made me feel euphoria everywhere, and made me feel good in a way. But before my tendrils could get them, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Thinking it was probably one of the proxies but I was wrong, so wrong.

I was thinking it was nothing, but when I turned around I saw a bunch of men in black suits and black sunglasses or something. Their badges read FBI, and I could feel my body going limp. Was this a setup?

I fell to the ground and felt so weak. I saw one of the men coming to me in a rush and my tendrils Instinctively grabbed him and teared him apart. But after that my vision blurred as I blacked out.

I then awoke in a small ass cell, and handcuffs that I could break free out of like nothing. But I still felt weak, and I hated it. It made me feel so ashamed, and disappointed. I felt anger, and wanted nothing but kill everyone and everything in my path.

I saw a camera in the corner of my cell, and I was wondering where I was at. I was scanning my surroundings and sure enough I knew where I was at. I didn't want to be here, when I know the proxies are probably trashing everything. I saw some guards guarding my cell, and I couldn't wait to feel my strength back because I would give them what they deserved. And I couldn't wait.

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