10- Aggressive behavior

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Me, and slenderman were on my long white couch sitting in silence. I was getting more annoyed as an hour earlier he killed mack. I glanced at slenderman and he did the same. I just made a quiet scoff, as I felt his hand on my thigh. He leaned back into the couch getting comfortable as he manspread.

I odviously couldn't stop myself from looking at his opened legs. I bet he was really big, odviously bigger than mine since he was like 3x taller than me. I nonetheless looked away, and let out a long sigh.

" Slender. What was your life like before you got... brought here against your will. " I said softly as I looked at him, and I knew he didn't like how I emphasized the word ' brought against his own will ' nonetheless he shrugged.

" ...it was ok...but I think I like it better than before... slightly. I have proxies, and they do my dirty work, and I hardly make myself known...I was exploring the Forest when they caught me..I was more annoyed than usual since they are a pain in the ass.

And I saw a woman, I guessed they used her s bait because I fell for it. But before that..I'm like the father of every single proxy, I basically made them how they are today...I do miss them here and there...but only because I've been stuck with them for centuries, decades, or years. Especially..lazari...she's my golden child..she's adorable...I know when they all set their eyes on you, they will immediately like you. Especially lazari. " He said and I listed closely.

I did feel slightly jealous, but then I remembered they represented like his children, nothing more. I just nodded, and looked away.

" Sounds wonderful, I'm sorry...that you got caught though. But don't you think they are looking for you? " I said as I turned towards him and he stayed quiet.

" ...yes...I know they are..." He mumbled. I raised a brow on how he seemed so confident.

" Really? Well if you don't mind mr asking, how do you know? " I said as I didn't mean it to sound harsh, or to hurt his feelings but I think it did. He looked at me with a scowl on his blank face as I saw his pale skin turn slightly dark representing that he was mad.

" Because they are basically my children, dav. I can feel their growing worry, and confusion on where I am. Or where I went. I can feel them blame themselves everyday. I have never left them not even for this long. Maybe two days tops. But never, a month. "

He said and this made my eyes go wide. I felt hurt. He never called me by a nickname before, and he used my name in the sentence too. It stung. I furrowed my brows.

" Well geez, sorry your majesty. I didn't mean to make it sound as if I was doubting you, I was just curious. But they won't have to worry anymore anyways. " I said as I stood up, and this made Slenderman immediately do the same. His real hands were clenched, and he seemed on edge. He was as stiff as a brick, and I walked past him.

He didn't hesitate to roughly grab me by my arm with his tendril, and pulled me into him. My back hitting his stomach.

" What...does...that..mean? " He said with a growl, and I scoffed as I shoved my way out of his inhuma grip barely.

" Don't worry about it. You'll get out of here, and be with them. So they won't have to worry about you, and you won't have to worry about them. It's not like we're together anyways. " I said and this made him snap.

When I turned my back towards him to walk towards my desk, his tendrils slashed me to the ground and my shoulder hit the corner of the counter and I groaned in pain. I looked behind me only to see slenderman right there. He was quiet as a mouse, and I furrowed my brows.

" Get off me! And let me go! " I said as he grabbed my arms, legs and threw me against the cell and I heard a loud cracking sound when my back made an impact against the metal cell. I gasped and I haled sharp breaths.

I looked at him as I felt paralyzed. I was panicking, I couldn't move. I looked at him with teary clouded eyes, but he was blinded by rage or something. He didn't bat an eye towards my state. But found it funny.

He came towards me, and picked me up with three of his long tendrils that were gripping into my skin. He brought my face close to his, and his mouth formed into a sadistic smile.

" No one's leaving anybody. I'm staying here, and your staying here with me. Do I need to make myself more clear? I don't give a single fuck about them right now. If they wanted me to be happy, and calm then they would understand that I left for my own good and theirs. But you have no right to make me choose between you, and them. Absolutely no. Right. Whatsoever. Do you hear me? "

He said in a dangerously low voice, and I whimpered as I didn't like being like this. I looked away, but that was a bad choice. He threw be against my office wall. My head hitting the wall, and I groaned from the harsh impact. I could feel liquid going down the side of my face, and I winced.

I saw him and he was walking oh so slowly towards me as if he was enjoying seeing me in this state.

" I said..do you understand? " He said once more as his black dressy shoes lifted my chin slightly, and I nonetheless made a slow nod. But he didn't seem fazed by it.

His foot retreated, and I let out a heavy shaky breath. I still couldn't move. Did he trigger something? My face was teary, and he lifted me up with his real hands. He was carrying me like a child, and I felt so much hatred right now.

" I'll let this one slide, but next time I need to hear your voice. Or else I might just keep on. " He warned with a sadistic smile.

How could he do this to me? Be so aggressive? He set me on the couch, and there was multiple knocks on the door. This made him click his tongue annoyed, and looked at me.

" Useless humans. Aren't they? "

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