3- When can I leave?

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Slenderman pov-

I was chilling in my cell, but then I heard frantic footsteps. I looked ahead curiously and saw a man that looked to be 6'5 and muscular. He was holding his head in his hands, and he was trembling. I tilted my head, and met his gaze when he fell on his knees on the floor.

It's like, he was stressed out or something. I was curious since I noticed his eye was white and the other was covered with an eye patch. He was gasping for air, like he couldn't breath. His eyes...they were just.. mesmerized or something. I haven't seen this man around before, where has he been?

I heard him mumble an apology, but why would he be apologizing? And before I got to comprehend he bursted into flames. This surprised me, and I was beyond mesmerized. He looked calm, although his body was not. He was on fire, and the flames were strong and I could feel the heat even though he's a few inches away.

Who is he? What is he? I haven't seen anyone like him at all before. I then saw him stand up, and stride away. I felt a piece of me wanting him to stay, but I shaked that feeling off and couldn't get him out of my mind.

Would I see him again?

Four days later -

I was in my office admiring his new cell. It was much, much bigger than before and had a nice long black comfy sofa that I should've gotten for myself. I hoped he would like it. I ordered the guards to bring him in, and they were successful. They drugged him, so currently he was knocked out. I then told them to leave him in the big cell that was definitely going to be of good use.

They layed him down on the couch, and uncuffed him. They then closed it and left. I smiled happily, and opened his cell back up. I was smiling so much that it hurt. I was positioning him in a much more comfortable spot.

His tendrils caught me off guard. They were so long and black. My hand gently traced one of them and I felt it flinch. I then turned around and grabbed my long black fluffy blacket that would definitely fit him since it was like 10ft long. I like my blankets long, so of course I would get it this long.

I then covered him with it, since it does get kinda cold. And I then closed his cell, as I didn't bother to lock it. I then went to my desk, and looked at him from there. I smiled once more, but then started to pass my attention to my paperwork that I didn't finish yesterday.

4 hours later.

Slenderman woke up, and looked around. He noticed he was in a much bigger cell, and looked down and saw that a big fluffy Blanket was on him and that he was on a really long black couch. He felt bewildered, as he wondered how he got here. But then remembered the guards drugged him again. He felt sore everywhere, and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

He then looked and saw he was in an office? He then saw the man from yesterday, he was on a computer typing away fast, the keyboard barely keeping up. What was he doing in here?

Seemed like I was looking at him for too long because he looked at me, and he was smiling like crazy.

" Good morning, does it feel comfortable? I had some people make this cell just for you. I hope you like it. " I said happily, as my body turned to face him, and I was smiling brightly. Hoping he liked it. I saw him tilt his head, and nod slowly. I then nodded also and smiled more.

" Good, sorry that took so long. I was getting it done as soon as I heard about you, which was 5 days ago. This would've been done in about a week but had them spend more hours on it. Oh, and you'll need this. " I said as I pulled a drawer open on my desk, and pulled out some green liquid and poured it on a spoon.

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