Prime' 2: The Prophecy

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From then on, the decision was made and the magician, who was incidentally the king's handyman, found the ideal person who would take the little prince hunting.

When the time came, Songho the young hunter discreetly went to fetch Rokolo and offered him to accompany him, to hunt the antelope, the one so enthusiastic to finally be able to participate in an activity accepted and followed the man he knew to be a close relative of his king.

It must be said that he had no idea of his origin and no one had yet had the opportunity to tell him that there was a particular reason for his life in the bench of society, he had hardly noticed that on the slightest occasion if he walked too close to the city, he was being hunted by the guards who were circulating in the territory.

Once in the forest, the young man who accompanied him began to tell him the story of a king who had ended up being massacred by his rival and that only one thing was missing for the perfect crime to be carried out. The last heir had to die. The child had been very attentive to this story and had found it very sad when Songho asked him for his opinion.

Then he invited the boy to pick mangoes for their journey. When the prince reached the summit and began to pick up the precious sun-soaked fruits, Songho armed his bow with an arrow that he shot into his foot.

This one lodged in his thigh, he screamed of pain falling heavily on the ground. The questioning look he observed the hilarious young man who seemed to see him as game now, the boy told him to run if he wanted a chance to survive because at 5 he would take another arrow and he began his macabre count.

Began to rush in the direction of the forest dragging his leg when he received a second arrow in his arm. And he collapsed, screaming in pain, his eyes fogged by tears, saw almost nothing, and he saw a satisfied Songho who meticulously cocked his bow, already boasting of the promotion that the mage had promised him in the name of the prince, for his work, he thanked him for this unexpected opportunity that would make him a respected man of the village. And now he promised to finish him quickly.

When he tried to free his foot to adjust his shot, he realized that he was being ensnared by a giant python trying hard to get out, he stumbled dragged by his momentum. Not asking so much, the Serpent took advantage to wrap himself more ferociously around the boy. He cried out for help, imploring Rokolo to go to the village for help.

The latter had stopped crying and was watching the scene. He saw in a few minutes his executioner being swallowed by the python before it stopped to begin its digestion, he still heard from the bottom of the throat of the snake, the cries of Songho which finally stopped.

Then he saw a gazelle come to him and lay down before him. The prince of instinct, climbed on the back of the beast which rose cautiously before starting a journey which seemed to him endless before he was deposited feverish at the edge of a wood behind a village.

A few moments later, all the animals of the village gathered around him attracting the attention around him.

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