dragon ball umineko: chapter 2

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Dragon ball umineko: chapter 2 the battle of the gods- vegeta vs goku

Dragon ball umineko: chapter 2.
(Meanwhile, in the present day)  Universe 7 was in the heat of a fierce battle between goku and Vegeta on beerus's planet.  The universe shook from the their raw power as they clashed with all of their might. Whis the angel assistant of beerus watched in admiration as he watched goku and Vegeta giving it their all in their intense sparing mach.

As Universe 7 trembled beneath the force of their titanic clash, Goku and Vegeta pushed themselves to the limit in their relentless sparring match. Their movements were a blur of motion, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the fabric of reality itself.

Whis, ever the calm observer, watched with a sense of awe and admiration as the two Saiyans unleashed their full power upon each other. Their dedication to their craft, their unwavering determination to surpass their own limits, was a sight to behold.

"Truly remarkable," Whis murmured to himself, his eyes tracing the arc of Goku and Vegeta's movements with a keen sense of anticipation. "To witness such mastery of combat is a rare privilege indeed."

As Goku and Vegeta continued to exchange blows, their energy surging with each passing moment, Whis couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. For in their relentless pursuit of strength, they embodied the very essence of what it meant to be a warrior.

And as the battle raged on, with the fate of Universe 7 hanging in the balance, Whis knew that whatever the outcome, Goku and Vegeta would emerge stronger than ever before. For in the crucible of combat, true strength was forged, and the journey towards mastery was never truly complete.

As gokus and vegeta's sparing mach continued,  whis the ever-watchful angelic attendant of beerus began to notice something wrong with both goku's and vegeta's energy levels and decided to say something about the matter.

( whis:  son goku and prince veteta! May I have word with you for a moment!? Whis polity asked goku and Vegeta with a soft kind voice in his words.   Hearing this, goku and veteta suddenly stopped their sparing mach and walked flew down towards whis in a manner that is approved by whis himself.

(veteta: what is now whis? Is there something wrong? Veteta asked whis while slightly annoyed.

Whis regarded Goku and Vegeta with a gentle expression, his golden eyes shimmering with concern as he addressed them. "I couldn't help but notice that both of your energy levels seem to be fluctuating more than usual," he began, his tone calm and measured. "It's as if something is sapping your strength, draining you of your power."

Goku and Vegeta exchanged a glance, a flicker of unease passing between them at Whis's words. They had been so focused on their sparring match that they hadn't noticed any abnormalities in their energy levels.

Goku furrowed his brow, his expression thoughtful. "You're right, Whis," he admitted, his voice tinged with concern. "I've been feeling a bit off lately, like my energy is being... suppressed somehow."

Vegeta nodded in agreement, his arms crossed over his chest in a defensive stance. "I've noticed it too," he grumbled, his frustration evident. "It's as if there's some unseen force at work, interfering with our abilities."

Whis listened to their concerns with a knowing nod, his mind already racing with possibilities. "This is troubling indeed," he murmured, his gaze distant as he pondered the implications. "We must investigate this matter further, lest it escalate into something more dire."

With a decisive nod, Whis turned to Goku and Vegeta, his expression firm. "For now, I suggest we put our sparring session on hold," he said, his voice authoritative. "We need to focus our efforts on uncovering the source of this disturbance before it grows stronger."

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