dragon ball umineko: the prologue

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(Once opon a NIPAH!) A fanmade story: dragon ball umineko.

(Once opon a time) A mutiverse of 12 universes in one xenoverse. In universe 7 was home of the planet strongest God of destruction named Lord beerus and his angel assistant name whis. Two of the strongest super sayians in universe 7 were currently sparing in their most powerful divine forms of ultra instinct and ultra ego. ( ue vegeta: "grr" kakarot!, you and your ultra instinct are no mach to my superior form of destruction, the mind of ultra ego. ( tui goku: "hahehahe" man vegeta, you are getting stronger each time I hit your weak points, that ultra ego has really come a long way ever since first unlocked it on planet sadala We were really struggling against gas. "hahehahe." (Ue vegeta: shut up gas you dam clown, we almost didn't even make it out alive against gas, until that is when frezia killed gas with his new black form. (Ui goku: "hehe hehe" but veteta, you know you shouldn't complain about it. We made it out alive, didn't we? ( goku asked jokingly).

As Goku and Vegeta continued their intense spar, their banter filled the air with a mix of rivalry and camaraderie. Vegeta, fueled by his newly unlocked Ultra Ego form, taunted Goku about his reliance on Ultra Instinct, claiming superiority in the realm of destruction. Goku, in his relaxed and jovial manner, teased Vegeta about their past struggles against Gas, the formidable foe they encountered on Planet Sadala.

Vegeta, ever the proud warrior, brushed off Goku's jests and reminded him of the dire situation they faced against Gas. It was a battle that pushed them to their limits, testing their strength and resolve. However, their fortunes turned when Frieza, in his new Black form, intervened and vanquished Gas, saving them from certain doom. Goku, always the optimist, saw the silver lining in their ordeal, reminding Vegeta that they emerged victorious and alive. His lighthearted tone hinted at their shared history of overcoming insurmountable odds, a testament to their strength and resilience as Saiyans.

Their exchange showcased not only their competitive spirit but also their deep bond forged through countless battles and triumphs. In the vast multiverse of twelve universes, Universe 7 stood as a beacon of power, with Goku and Vegeta at its forefront, pushing the boundaries of their strength with each passing day.

(Meanwhile, whis who was quietly watching both goku and Vegeta continue their sparing mach, whis's eyes flowing their faster than light-speed attacks both in their ultra instinct and ultra ego forms. He watched as goku's true ultra instinct was more advanced than vegetas ultra ego form, goku's ultra instinct was faster, stronger, and more agile than vegeta's ultra ego techniques. Vegeta's ultra ego was more about physical prowes and pride and getting stronger as their sparing mach continued above the air. (Whis: very well good goku! Your ultra instinct techniques are more than words can describe, how incredible! (Whis said calmly with a hint of respect in his voice) Whis, the ever-watchful angelic attendant to Universe 7's God of Destruction, observed Goku and Vegeta's spar with keen interest. His eyes, capable of perceiving movements at speeds surpassing that of light itself, traced every intricate detail of their battle. He noted the stark contrast between Goku's refined Ultra Instinct and Vegeta's imposing Ultra Ego.

As Goku effortlessly weaved through the air, his movements guided by the instinctual mastery of his form, Whis couldn't help but be impressed. Goku's Ultra Instinct exhibited a harmony of speed, strength, and agility unmatched by any other technique. It was a testament to Goku's dedication and training, a pinnacle of martial prowess.

Vegeta, on the other hand, exuded raw power and determination with his Ultra Ego. His attacks were fueled by pride and the relentless pursuit of strength. Each blow carried the weight of his resolve, a reflection of his unwavering determination to surpass his limits. Whis's admiration for Goku's Ultra Instinct was evident in his calm demeanor, tinged with a hint of respect. He acknowledged Goku's mastery of the technique, recognizing the incredible skill and discipline required to achieve such a state. Despite Vegeta's formidable display of power, it was clear to Whis that Goku's Ultra Instinct stood as the epitome of martial excellence in their universe.

( Chapter 2 : the unseen eye of the witch of miracles !) (Meanwhile, in a different universe that transcends the dragon ball xenoverse, the Meta-World of umineko.) Bernkastel, the witch of miracles, watches goku's and vegeta's sparing mach in universe 7 as if it was merely a anime or manga that was infinitey beneath her existence.) ( Bernkastel: "sigh" the other witch's Said this shitty anime would cure my problematic and fatal boredom and yet the amount of logic errors in this shit of a excuse of a martial arts anime that I would rather hang myself to cure me from this deadly disease called boredom. What a fucking shit show this sorry ass excuse for a " anime " a waste of my time. (Bernkastel said in a snarling voice filled with anger, annoyance, and disappointment in her voice)

Bernkastel, the enigmatic witch of miracles, looked upon Goku and Vegeta's spar with disdain from her domain in the Meta-World of Umineko. To her, the spectacle unfolding in Universe 7 was nothing more than a trivial diversion, an insignificant blip in the vast tapestry of existence.

With a heavy sigh, Bernkastel voiced her frustrations, lamenting the lack of intellectual stimulation in what she deemed a subpar anime. The promise of entertainment had lured her in, but the reality fell far short of her lofty expectations. In her eyes, the martial arts display before her was riddled with logical inconsistencies and shallow storytelling, a far cry from the intellectual stimulation she craved.

Her words dripped with contempt and disdain, reflecting her profound disappointment in the supposed cure for her boredom. To Bernkastel, time spent on such a futile endeavor was nothing short of a waste, a stark reminder of the futility of seeking solace in the mundane. As the witch of miracles, Bernkastel's standards were impossibly high, her thirst for mental challenge unquenchable. Yet, as she gazed upon the spectacle before her, she found only disappointment, further fueling her eternal search for something truly worthy of her attention.

("Maybe you should hang yourself my dear bern!! A sudden familiar voice called out behind Bernkastel! *Bernkastel quickly turned to look behind herself with a unfazed face, and saw face to face with her friend Lambdadelta.) (Bernkastel: "sigh" it's just you..... how emotionally boring it is to see you here, face to face with me, especially what after what happened with your "Cat box".......*sigh*. "Bernkastel said to Lambdadelta". ( Lambdadelta: *hohoho-hahe* "aww" Don't be like that my "sweet little bern" besides I wasn't serous when I said "you should hang yourself " *hohoho* or was I being serous?! "Lambdadelta said sarcastically to Bernkastel. (Lambdadelta: besides it's not like a "mere" rope around your neck could ever harm a meta-being such as yourself, "my dearest cute little bern". "Lambdadelta said to Bernkastel") (Bernkastel: "sigh" you and your "logical error jokes" bore me to exhaust me. But you are....."my favorite witch" so I'll let it slide I guess.
"Said Bernkastel to Lambdadelta ".

As Bernkastel and Lambdadelta engaged in their familiar banter, their dynamic reflected the complex relationship between two powerful witches in the Meta-World of Umineko. Bernkastel's stoic demeanor clashed with Lambdadelta's playful sarcasm, highlighting their contrasting personalities.

Despite Bernkastel's initial annoyance, she couldn't deny the bond she shared with Lambdadelta, acknowledging her as a favorite among the witches. Lambdadelta, with her mischievous grin and penchant for teasing, added a spark of levity to Bernkastel's otherwise somber existence.

Their exchange hinted at a deeper history between them, one marked by shared experiences and perhaps even moments of genuine camaraderie. Though Bernkastel remained aloof, her subtle acceptance of Lambdadelta's presence spoke volumes about their connection.

In the ever-shifting landscape of the Meta-World, where reality blurred and logic bent to the will of its denizens, Bernkastel and Lambdadelta stood as enigmatic figures, each wielding their own brand of power and influence. And as they continued their discourse, it was clear that their interactions were anything but mundane, offering glimpses into the intricate web of relationships that defined their existence.

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