Skateboard/Slingshot (Skateshot)

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Skateshot request! Requested by TunaSammich26
Fluff <3

Slingshot sighed, there were a lot more customers today, he wasn't complaining but it was a lot of work. Shuriken and Vine Staff had left for a Phight, so he had to run his cat café alone today, which didn't help. Slingshot was mindlessly cleaning the tables, dozing off, when a bell chimed, alerting him someone had entered. He was about to tell them the café was closed at this time but paused as he heard a familiar voice.

"Heya, Sling! Need some help there?" Skateboard! Slingshot left his rag on the table he was cleaning and practically launched himself at the Playground punk for a hug, almost tackling him to the ground. Skateboard balanced himself with the help of a near by wall and chuckled, Slingshot's hugs were still as tight as ever. Skateboard just came back from the Phight and was pretty sweaty, but did Slingshot care? Nope.

"Yup, could use extra help!" Slingshot chimed, smiling, and quickly went behind the counter the find another rag. It was a good while since the two saw each other, so they had a lot to catch up on. Slingshot found the extra rag and tossed it to Skateboard. "Hey, do you want to stay over at my place?"

"A sleepover? Sure, I'm down!" Skateboard quickly answered, grinning as he gracefully caught the rag. Slingshot swore he was squealing like a little girl internally (Raise your hand if you would react the same way-). The usual half hour that Slingshot usually spent cleaning up passed by quickly as the two chatted and cleaned up. Skateboard handed his rag back to Slingshot who quickly rinsed the two rags under running water and left them to dry.

The second Slingshot locked up the entrance Skateboard immediately tugged on his arm, "Come on! Let's go already!" Slingshot chuckled, Skateboard was still impatient like always. Slingshot lead him to his apartment, it was already late and he didn't want to go back to Theives' Den at this time. A short 5 minuet walk later and they reached Slingshot's apartment, it wasn't very big but it was cozy. Skateboard plopped himself onto the sofa and gestured for Slingshot to sit next to him, wanting to snuggle for a bit.

"Skate, I need to change first..." Slingshot sighed earning a soft wine from Skateboard, Slingshot giggled at this. Slingshot was about to make his way to his room, but surprise, Skateboard pulled him onto the sofa and wrapped his arms around the cat demon. Slingshot glanced at him with a 'seriously?' expression, Skateboard only pouted and gently squeezed him in response. Slingshot sighed, this was not the hill he was going to die on. "Alright, I'll change later. Now get over here!"

Slingshot pulled the red demon into a bear hug, laughing and smiling. Skateboard joined in, laughing as well, and planted a small kiss on his cheek. Slingshot jokingly gasped and pushed Skateboard onto his back, or at least tried to. Skateboard shifted back, causing Slingshot to topple forward so he was basically laying down on Skateboard's lap. "You little!" Slingshot exclaimed with faux anger, causing the two demons to giggle.

Slingshot and Skateboard spent most of the time cuddling and teasing each other after that.

540 words :3

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