Hyperlaser/Katana (Hypertana)

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Not a request, my own story I've been stalling to write ,:3 (Map is Doomspire :P)

Missed... again, Hyperlaser was really out of it today. All the phighters were just small specks at this distance, slowly blurring and growing out of focus. The mercenary was tired and was starting to feel a headache starting, he couldn't do this today. Hyperlaser backed away from the edge and set his railgun down next to him, he was starting to get cramps from staying in the same position for what felt like forever but was really just almost a minuet into the round. Why was he feeling so unwell? Was his lack of sleep catching up to him? He hadn't gone drinking last night, so it definitely wasn't a hangover. Or... maybe because it was the fact that this Phight was early in the morning. Hyperlaser groaned and laid down on his back, it was too early for this.

Hyperlaser heard another phighter land near him, probably Slingshot or Banhammer deciding to deal with the sniper like usual, he honestly didn't care at this point. But nothing came. Hyperlaser tilted his head and glanced at where he assumed the phighter landed and was met with a familiar masked four-horned demon (not the eye-burning pink one), Katana. The taller demon briefly glanced at at the sniper before moving next to him and sitting next to Hyperlaser on his knees. The two sat next to each other in silence, they were on opposite teams but they both couldn't care less.

"Is something wrong, Hyperlaser?" Katana eventually asked. He reached out at gently took one of Hyperlaser's hands into his and gave it a small squeeze.

Hyperlaser grumbled and unclipped the strap holding his helmet in place with his free hand. No phighter should even think of checking up there if he wasn't attacking, it should be fine. Hyperlaser turned his sleepy gaze to Katana and shook his head as the latter was still waiting for an answer. Katana nodded in acknowledgement and also slid off his mask. Illumina, it didn't matter the amount of times Hyperlaser had seen the swordsman's face, he felt his cheeks heat up every time. And of course, Katana notices every time as well, but he doesn't bring it up.

Katana smiled softly and shifted again, so Hyperlaser's head was on his lap. The two smile before chuckling, they've only really been in this position when Hyperlaser was extremely drunk, a reminder of how much he actually depended on Katana when he was vulnerable. Katana leaned down and gave him a small peck on Hyperlaser's nose.

"Wrong place, 'Tana." Hyperlaser jokingly said and laughed, Katana joining in as well, but he decided to take it seriously. Katana lowered himself and kissed Hyperlaser again, this time on the lips, earning a surprised gasped from the shorter male. Hyperlaser was frozen, even after Katana pulled away, he was blinking blankly and trying to process was had literally just happened. Katana... kissed him? Was he dreaming? Was he actually sober?

Yeah, he most definitely was...

Well, neither of them really cared about this phight anyways and Valk and Dom must have already found out about their relationship. They might as well use this time to relax for a bit, none of them were early birds.

548 words! :D
I need more Hypertana...

Phighting Shit (Oneshots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें