Chapter 8: Mechanically Body Positivity

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Formula One Racing of the most popular yet adrenalizing sport in Europe of its unique style and entertainment of its high velocities averaging 374 kmp (233 mph) on the race track. For Natalia, being an African American and captivating of her interracial looks, she wants to show her skills and beauty in this industry. After turning nineteen, she decided to move to France to connect with the culture of cars in France, learning French and getting her Masters Degree in Formula One.

After Graduation she experienced many rejects and mockery because of her being a woman and having no place in the Formula One Industry. But when she met Paul owner of a Formula One body shop and him struggling he took her in. After a couple weeks she demonstrated incredible attributes and great adaptation; The staff admirer her and respected her as well, having such skills she was wondering if she was respected because of her curvaceous figure. Shes been having photo shoots to represent the Mechanic shop in here tight jeans and red heels she loves wearing, with kinky curls out and her beautiful smile, captivating the clients and representing the ladies of the auto motive industry. Lets hear her story


After being here in France for seven years, I have not had luck finding a man or even been on dates. I know sad isn't ? I can say one thing many guys don't like when a woman knows more cars than them, Typical. All that changed when Paul introduced me to his son Alexandre who started off as Amateur Formula One Racer.

One day Alexandre walked over to Natalia asking her how she was ? how much work she had? You name it just kept everything mutual between them both. Natalia would never imagine him to talk to her at all for the appearance of being so handsome. She always doubted that she would never be able to get together with him. He made it official he wanted to work with her on his Formula One Racer asking she could work on his engine. She wasn't hesitant to give him an answer. Even he was astounded that she wanted her to work with him.

As the days went by, he had worked with her on a daily basis grabbing one another for coffee and lunch every day. Nothing interrupted their fun and countless moments they were having on working on his engine. Natalia was enjoying his accompany it was like she was feeling whole ever since she moved to France. Watching him practice on the race track and admiring his wavy dark hair, being tall slim and very toned made him stand out or maybe it was just the very tight race suit he was wearing every time. Whatever it was she couldn't stop thinking of him.


Amazing how I am just falling for Natalia every day; She is just amazing in every way better than most dates I have gone out with but I didn't think she would ever be with me. It's all just mutual like burning rubber. I know my dad always told me stay away from this beautiful lady because he was concerned of losing an employee. I will break that rule despite if he gets angry with me, I love her and want be with her. It would be nice to have a lady mechanic at home as well; Go out for a drive with, Drive-In theatres or show me her driving skills on a stick shift. That's all it takes for me to win my heart.

One night after working late Natalia finally found a way to repair his turbo charger on his engine which suffered numerous problems and taking extra precautions just so the worse would not happen; She would hate to lose such a loving man. Alexandre pulls into the body shop with his Mercedes Benz. As he gets out of the car he wears jeans with a white shirt, and leather coat to thank Natalia with a dozen red roses in his hands. As she takes the roses from him with a smile on her face, he kisses her lips passionately wrapping his hand around her curvy figure in her coveralls wearing her red heels.

As they make out with a burst of passion she says to him "I have always wanted you Alexandre." He replies "Let me love you then Natalia."

Taking her overalls off for him, she sways her hips giving him a great glimpse of her body wearing her black bra and lace panties; remaining in her red heels. Without wasting time he takes his shirt and jeans off into his black boxer briefs. As she pushes him against the hood of his Mercedes Benz she takes his boxers and cruises downwards giving him ever lasting oral. As he enjoys her, lays her on top of hood, sliding down her panties to her ankles and holding her waists from behind; He goes deeply in her vagina feeling every bit of her. Moaning as she feels every inch of penis in her; She squeezes his forearms so strongly as she kept on getting multiple orgasms from him in the same position.

As he turns her over facing her; She takes her bra off and wraps it around his neck pulling him towards her for a kiss converting to a french kiss. Rubbing his butt cheeks she wanted more of him as she lays back with her legs wide open, letting him put his penis back in her vagina. As he picks up pace she runs her hands down his firm upper body not breaking eye contact with every thrust. She says his name repeatedly. He leans down toward her giving her a kiss, moaning into his mouth by his thrusts hitting her cervix consistently. Slowly releasing the kiss and staring into her eyes; He lets out a big moan releasing his sperm into her vagina by every last drop not wanting to break eye contact.

Looking at one another quietly, running her fingers through his hair she says to him "Every time you race think of me Alexandre because I don't want the worse to happen." 

He says "I promise I will come to you in one piece Natalia." 

Kissing one another deeply they realized how in love they were but even the worst could happen any time behind the wheel Formula One Racer.

Smiling at him, she walks in her red heels naked, swaying her hips, giving him a quick glance as she walks asking "going to get some water with me speed racer?"  

Alexandre says "Of course my mechanic naked lady" following her from behind admiring her curvaceous figure

They say deaths can happen easily in any race track of Formula One Racing but for Natalia she demonstrated more than being a mechanic for Alexandre despite her doubts, she showed him Mechanically Body Positivity

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