Chapter 14.2: When Curves Meats Challenge

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              They say our pasts can come back and haunt us; Even when the memories were considered to be joyful; However, how does it encounter when the bad meets good? There are reasons why we put the past behind us or better yet we learn to move forward with each other. The real challenge doesn't necessarily have to be the mutual acquaintance but of whats within.

            A few weeks have passed, since Daan has been dispatched from the hospital. His health has improved, his sleeping patterns has progressed, and running the business he continues to improve with very little stress in his body. All this wouldn't have happen with the help and support of Clara which he has been spending time with and talking too when given the chance.

           One day, Clara decided to take Daan out on a hike. Most times Clara goes by herself and would be her first to go with someone. At least she knows, she won't be going out alone. Admiring Daan's tall height and stamina she started to get more and more curious of him every by the day.


          Oh my why I can't stop of thinking of him ? I don't even have the answer for why I like him so much but he does know how to leave an ever lasting impression underneath those sheets; I have to give him that much credit. But I still feel bad that I wasn't there for him in high school but he just shows me a side that can't be explained.

          As Daan walks with Clara she asks "Daan why are you so nice to me ?" 

          Daan responds "Clara you have always been misunderstood, despite whether you barely knew me or spoke to me I will always show the better side of me."

          Clara says "That is so sweet of you, I know the past of our high school years wasn't pleasant but I will do my best to create a healthy bond between us."

           Clara tripping over a rock, Daan quickly catches her in his arms just nearing her head on the ground. Clara staring at his eyes realizing she walked away from a beautiful man in her teen years. Staring at him with a long look of regrets; She realized she could of built something with him a long time ago. Picking her back up and apologizing thinking he grabbed her inappropriately; She responds "You did nothing wrong, if anything you saved me with your reflexes." Giving him a big warm hug.


          I have always loved this lady even though she didn't give me a chance, I would not hold it against her. We were in different crowds I was book worm and she enjoyed being wild. But I can say this I wish could of been more part of her life during those high school years.

           Heading back from the hike Daan drives Clara back heading where they live. As Daan is driving home Clara gets close to Daan, putting her head on his shoulders. Daan asks "Working tonight ?" 

           Clara responds "Nope" As she is gazing at him he says "I cook a great omelette "  She responds "I will do the cooking, and top the cherry on the cake, you just relax"

           Arriving at his apartment, she takes in the scenery on how clean his place is. Letting her explore his place for awhile; She then asks him if she wants to take a shower and lets her. Handing her a towel politely, she enters his bathroom swaying her hips slowly, looking at him.


           A nice warm shower is all I need to ignite my body, never had a man be so clean especially in his place. My thoughts are just running wild for him; I should just skip dinner and head straight for dessert right away. Even my woo woo is speaking for me.

           Coming out of the shower, he walks by her in his towel, letting her know he will put her workout clothes to wash and she nods her head with a smile as she walks to the living room. He makes way to the shower.

            After Showering, he dries himself off with a towel, putting his Khaki shorts with no shirt; He walks in the living room not finding her, but in his bedroom. Catching her going over his high school yearbook where she spotted her photo of herself with big framed glasses and braces. He marked a big heart around her photo with the word beautiful. 

             Looking at him, she bites her lower lips, kissing him, making him sit on his ottoman. Staring at her, she opens up her towel widely letting it slide down slowly to hips and down to the floor. Exposing her curvaceous butt to him.

             Kissing his lips wildly, he makes him stand up running her nails down upper body giving him goosebumps, watching her go down he immediately says to her "Um...I should tell you something's very important." Clara being aroused, she unbuttons his shorts she asks "Got something to hide from me? " Clara smiles. Daan says "No it's just.."

               Clara mouth drops saying "Oh my god." As Clara is shocked she looks at him and Daan looks at her apologizing. Daan says "I really wanted to warn you." Clara says "This is amazing."

               Her smile widens, looking at his penis with excitement she says to him "It's as big as my arm." 

              Daan says " I just didn't want to scare you, it happened in the past and I was worried you were going to run.

                Clara says "Oh I am sorry to hear that, does it have a name at least? Maybe Anaconda." Daan says "I didn't realize it needed one...thinking bean stalk." 

              They both laugh. Clara says " Don't worry it's safe in my hands. " She winks at him as she gives pleasurable oral taking every inch of him in her mouth, watching her moan in pleasure.

            After the oral, he lays her down on his bed putting every inch of his penis in her vagina, slowly penetrating  hold her legs widely, Clara releases a moans letting her orgasms flow all over curvy body, Daan's penis making it easier for him to give her multiple orgasms never experienced before. Moaning with him on top with her legs shaking consistently, she wonders how long he can really go on? Looking at him and telling not to stop, as he keeps a great pace, thrusting the head of his penis on her cervix, hitting it multiple times.

             Rolling on top of him, she was bound and determined to make him ejaculate. Staring at his eyes as she straddles wildly on top of him. Staring at her with her boobs just bouncing in his face he asks "May I cum in you beautiful? " Grinding her teeth, she says to him "Do your worst, I am on birth control "

             Having her straddling on top of him, they both let out their ejaculation at the same time. They moan loudly for one another. Staring at her, closing her eyes with the enjoyment of his load of sperm inside of her vagina, she falls on top of him; Breathing heavily. Catching their breathes and looking at each other wondering was that just sex or love? Whatever they felt with each other, it was a loss of words.

             As Daan gets up; Clara looks at Daan's penis just dangle wondering if he's still erected or not; Enjoying the view as he picks up her workout clothes from the laundry machine. 

           Daan says "I will get us take out tonight baby."  Walking out of the bedroom staring at his naked butt. 

             Clara grabs her phone, calls her friend, and waits for her to pick up the phone.....answering she says "Girl I just a huge one."

A Sexy Conclusion....

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