Chapter 1

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Warning, rated  (M) strong language, mild violence and sexual themes in this story.


Bunnymund and Jack are in Japan and meet a strange creature who says she can help the winter spirit.

Jack Frost screamed in delight as he ice-surfed down the great Mt. Fuji. He loved Japan, with its beautiful scenery and bustling people, but mostly because it was in his climate range to make as much snow and ice as he wanted, especially in the northernmost island and the mountains. Besides, it was November, so there was going to be cold weather all over this country, making it even more beautiful than it already is.

The winter spirit deftly avoided jagged rocks and plants as he surfed, making sure to add some flips and spins on the way. He was reaching the bottom, making an ice ramp to jump as high as he could before landing on top of a big pile of snow, laughing in blissful triumph.

"There you are, ya damn bludger!" Jack looked down and saw the ever-so-friendly E. Aster Bunnymund, staring up at him with his arms crossed, in both anger and because he was cold. "I've been lookin' all over this bloody rock!"

"And why is that? Did you miss me?" Jack teased, sliding down the snow to meet the shivering rabbit.

"Try again, mate." Bunny growled. "North had that 'bad feeling in his belly' again, and sent me cuz he's too busy with Christmas."

"Bad feeling? About me?" The teen gave the Pooka a funny look. "Nothing wrong here."

"Yes, I see that." Bunnymund huffed, shaking snow off his fur. "You're having a ripper time while I'm wasting mine babysittin' you!"

"You didn't have to come, you know." Jack smirked. "But since you're here, how 'bout a game?"

"What are you on about now?" Bunny rolled his eyes.

"First one to the top of the mountain wins." The teen used his staff to point to the top of Mt. Fuji.

"What'd I tell ya about racing rabbits, mate?" The Pooka grinned, always interested in a race.

"I'd like to see you try hopping around in this snow." Jack stared the rabbit down.

"Yer on, Frostbite." Bunnymund stretched, getting ready to run. Jack smiled, nearly blushing at his new nickname. He was also glad he managed to get the Pooka to spend some time with him. Jack couldn't admit it, but he had developed a crush on the Easter Bunny. He knew it was weird, liking a giant anthropomorphic rabbit, but it just happened. He loved Bunny's bad-ass attitude, but also his vulnerable side. His heart beat faster whenever he heard that deep voice with an Australian accent. He could spend days just staring into those emerald eyes full of pride and valor. He loved that broad, furry chest and strong arms and legs with cool markings on that soft, grey fur... Jack shook his head and got ready to race as well.

Before they could start, however, they heard a shrieking cry coming from the woods. "What the hell was that?" Jack looked in that direction.

"Sounds like a fox." Bunnymund, for obvious reasons, didn't like foxes, and wanted to avoid any contact with them. "Let's start; I don't wanna have to hurt it if it tries to eat me." They heard the cry again.

"It sounds like it needs help." Jack turned to his fellow guardian. "Let's go see."

"If you wanna go after it, be my guest." The rabbit turned his head away. "I'll just start the race ahead of ya."

Kokoro no Ecchi  |Rise Of The Guardians|  ( JACK FROST x BUNNY )Where stories live. Discover now