Chapter 6

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Bunny raced into the factory to find Jack and stop him. The place was becoming a disaster area: it was snowing inside and windy like a blizzard, there were blocks of ice blocking his path, and frozen elves and half-frozen yetis also littered the grounds. He found the Guardians: Sandy seemed to finally get a hold of Jack with his sand-whips; Tooth was trying to talk him out of his rage and North asked around making sure the toys were safe.

“Bunny!” North saw his furry friend and the rest turned to face him, including the captured Jack. The Pooka knew that Jack Frost could cause tons of damage in a short amount of time, but this was a new record. He was ashamed of himself for not stopping him when he could, among other things. This is all my fault… he thought.

“You bastard…” Jack’s voice was biting and cruel. His eyes were still that ugly red. “You took awhile. Did you finish with her? Did you come to rub it my face? Who’re you gonna screw in my face next, Tooth?!”

“Shut the fuck up right now, Jack!” Bunny screamed right back. “Don’t you dare bring Tooth or anyone else into this! I didn’t screw that fox! Wasn’t it obvious that she set me up just to piss you off?!”

“What does it matter?!” The winter spirit squirmed, trying to escape the dream-sand wrapped around him. “You don’t care about me, anyway! You fucking HATE me! I knew that, I always knew that! So if I can’t have you, I’m going to destroy everything and everyone you DO care about!”

“You are not making any sense, mate!” Bunnymund noticed that Sandy’s grip wasn’t going to hold much longer. He went to higher ground until he was about level with where Jack was being held. “And like I said…” He was on all fours, ready to jump. “This is between you and me!” He leaped in the air and pounced on Jack as Sandy got the hint and let go. They were so high up that Bunny and Jack crashed through a stained-glass window and landed roughly on an extended rooftop. The two spread out from each other and had their guards up and weapons ready.

“Bunny, I don’t want to fight you.”

“But I wanna fight you, mate.” Bunny grinned, getting an idea. “Since I hate you and all that, I’d rather beat the snow outta ya.”

“You…” Jack seethed with anger. “You asked for it.” He shot an ice blast from his staff and Bunny easily dodged it, throwing some egg bombs in his direction. As they went back and forth, the other three guardians came to watch. Tooth wanted to get between them but North stopped her, shaking his head silently, knowing that his friend had some kind of plan. The winter spirit was in the air now, shooting pelts of ice at a rabbit that was too fast for him.

“This is fun, huh?” Bunnymund shouted at Jack. “I’ve always wanted to kick your arse and hand it back to ya.”

“You son of a bitch!” Jack dived towards Bunny, but the Australian wasn’t dodging; he was going to take it. The winter spirit, though incredibly angry, couldn’t hit the one he loved. He missed intentionally and landed several yards away from his opponent. “I can’t do it!”

“And why not?” The rabbit took a few steps toward the boy. “Don’t you wanna rough up the guy who doesn’t give two shits about ya? Don’t you wanna hurt the guy who hurt you?”

“Shut up!” Jack charged at him, and when he got close enough Bunny charged right back, knocking Jack over easily, the staff falling out of his hands and sliding across the rooftop. The Pooka was now on top of his rival, one paw holding both of Jack’s wrists over his head, another paw holding a boomerang to his neck, and just to make sure the little bugger wouldn’t get away, his fuzzy knees pinned the teen down on either side of his small waist. “G-Get off!”

“No way, mate.” Bunny pushed the rang to his pale neck. “Now tell me this, Frostbite. If I didn’t care about you, would I have gone to bloody Japan to make sure you were alright?”

Kokoro no Ecchi  |Rise Of The Guardians|  ( JACK FROST x BUNNY )Where stories live. Discover now