Chapter 7 ( END )

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"Yare, yare..." Said a low, quiet voice. "They seem to have had fun without me." Sei the fox demon gazed down at Bunnymund and Jack sleeping together. "That's okay; I won't miss the next time, or any time after." She was about to touch Jack, but a strong arm holding a boomerang came between her and the boy. She jumped back in surprise, seeing Bunny guarding the stirring kid.

"Bunny... what's...?"

"Get dressed, mate." The Pooka growled. "We've got company." Jack looked over and saw Sei standing at the side of the bed. He yelped in embarrassment, remembering he was naked.

"What the hell?!" He stumbled to find his pants. "What are you doing here?"

"Somehow, you little lovebirds broke my charm." Sei calmly said. "I wasn't able to watch you anymore after your fight. But I just knew you'd be somewhere around here, so I came to find you."

"So what are you going to do?" The winter spirit finished dressing and grabbed his staff. "Bunny broke the curse; what makes you think he can't do it again?"

"Influencing the mind isn't the only thing I can do, Jack-kun." The fox smiled evilly. "I can play so many games with you."

"I told you..." The rabbit said through gritted teeth. "The fun's over." He tapped his foot and a tunnel appeared under her feet, and she fell through.

"Ha! Good job, Bunny!" Jack raised a fist in the air. "Where'd you send her?"

"Outside." Bunnymund replied.

"Wait, what?" The teen asked. "Why didn't you send her home? Or to Antarctica?"

"That's not gonna keep her away for long, Frostbite." He looked Jack dead in the eyes. "We have to destroy her, mate."

"You... you mean kill?" Jack didn't get an answer. Instead, Bunny tapped his foot again and the two slid down the tunnel, ending up outside the factory in the snowy mountains. They saw Sei several yards away from them, wiping snow off her yukata and cursing in Japanese. "What about North? Shouldn't we...?"

"He'll hear the racket soon enough." The Australian was done threatening the vixen and ran toward her, throwing egg grenades at her. She tried blocking them with a column of flames but she just made the explosion bigger and it threw her backwards, landing on her bum.

"I didn't expect that." The fox laughed nervously, standing up gracefully. "You are serious about killing me, aren't you?"

"As serious as I've ever been, sheila." Bunny threw his boomerangs at Sei, but she vanished from his sight.

"Bunny, behind you!" Jack had his staff ready in his hands and shot ice at her, but she melted it away with a wave of her fiery hand. Bunnymund was close enough to use his rangs like knives, trying to slice through her. She caught his wrist and burned it, the rabbit hissing in pain. She blasted him away, and he landed on his back several feet away. "Bunny!"

"I'm alright." The Pooka grunted, hopping up and ready to fight again.

"I really don't want to hurt you two." Sei put her hands up. "You're my favorite toys."

"If you don't want to fight, then hold still. I'll make it quick for ya." Bunnymund stalked towards her, a killer look in his eyes. Jack was a little scared; he'd seen Bunny mad (at him) but it was never looked like he wanted to kill him or anyone. Has he done this before? The eternal teen had never killed anyone intentionally before. He wasn't sure about all this. "You're not botherin' us again."

"Well, I can tell you right now that you and Jack-kun can't kill me." She smiled. "Especially not by yourselves."

"That's why we're here, too!" They heard a thundering voice from above them and saw North with his yetis, all ready to fight. "Get off my property, witch!"

Kokoro no Ecchi  |Rise Of The Guardians|  ( JACK FROST x BUNNY )Where stories live. Discover now