Chapter 5

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“Mmm…” Jack woke up, his head resting on something soft and furry. “Kangaroo?” He realized he was sleeping on his fellow guardian’s lap, and looked up, seeing him looking right at him with a sad smile on his face.

“Hey, Frostbite.” Bunnymund nodded, checking Jack’s eyes to make sure they were their normal ice blue… and they were. Those blue eyes looked around, seeing that they were still at Mt. Fuji’s base.

“What happened?” Jack asked, sitting up. “Did I pass out?”

“Uh, yeah…” Bunny was not looking forward to explaining what happened not too long ago.

“Ow!” The teen winced, putting a hand to his backside. “What was that?”

“Well, see… you… we…” The rabbit’s ears were pinned to his head in embarrassment. Jack wasn’t stupid, so he easily put the pieces together: if his ass hurt and Bunny was acting like this, it could only mean…

“We did it.” Jack’s face turned as red as it could, being he was a winter spirit. “Did… did I…?”

“Yes! It happened!” Bunnymund stood, turning away from the teen’s stare. “But I tried explaining before you changed that… I would… help you out.”

“You would…” Jack was speechless. He and Bunny just had SEX?! And he didn’t remember? He had just lost his virginity to the person he loved, everything he had ever wanted, but it had to happen while he was under a curse?! Bunny didn’t want me to know, or remember. So, was Bunny just doing it to keep others out of danger, and not because he wanted to? Was he just taking one for the team? Or maybe, because he’s a rabbit, just thought he’d do it for pleasure? Or does Bunny really care and really want Jack, as well as the others, to be safe?

So many questions in the boy’s head, all of which he was too afraid to ask.

“Jack?” Bunnymund’s voice snapped Jack out of his daze. “Look, mate…”

“No, just…” The winter spirit picked up his staff and used it to help himself up. “Leave me alone.” He flew away, leaving Bunny alone in the snow.

“Crikey.” The Australian wiped his face with his hands, expecting Jack to run away. I’ll let him be alone for a tick. Actually… he started to sniff around. This is a good time to hunt for foxes.


Bunnymund was a master tracker. He found the vixen’s foxhole within minutes, the place reeking of that perfume she wore. The place was a rather large hole in a tree covered by sticks and logs. He pushed the wood aside and saw stairs leading to her hideout. He took out his boomerangs and hopped down the stairs, now finding himself in a cave with beautiful decorative curtains, rugs, and pillows placed everywhere. The area was dimly lit with lavender-scented candles.

“Where are you, bloody bitzer?” He gripped his weapons tighter. “I know you’re in here!”

Hai, hai.” Bunny heard a deep and lustful voice behind him. He turned to see the beautiful fox demon Sei leaning against a doorway. “I was expecting you, Usagi-kun.”

“My name is Bunnymund.” He growled.

“That’s what I said.” Sei stepped closer. “I saw your performance earlier. It was very impressive.” She put her hands on her hips, sizing up Bunny with her red eyes. “I might want to try you, next.” The Easter Bunny jumped to the woman and held the sharp part of his rang to her neck. She didn’t flinch. “I was joking! Please, I don’t want to fight. Can’t we just talk?” He growled again and took a few steps back.

“What did you do to Jack?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“You haven’t figured that out by now?” She taunted. “Very well, I’ll explain. What I have done is surfaced his innermost desire.”

Kokoro no Ecchi  |Rise Of The Guardians|  ( JACK FROST x BUNNY )Where stories live. Discover now