The party

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( they go to the party over half of the school is there, they've met up with, Mia, Zoe, max, Emma, milly and Liam, it's about halfway into the party they've been there for almost 3 hours so everyone is pretty drunk)

Sky: Fox come danceee with me please.
Fox: not rn I will in a minute, you dance I'll watch ok?
Sky: fine, I'll just dance with someone else,

( sky sees max she grabs him by the arm and drags him into the middle of the dance floor, max has his hands on her hips and is kinda feeling her up, after about 2 minutes sky truns around so max is behind her his hands still all over her, sky locks eyes with fox, fox's looking annoyed walks over and grabs sky, he pulls her into a corner a way from everyone)

Sky: what?
Fox: not that I don't trust you or max but I don't like the way he was all up on you.
Sky: your the one who didn't know wanna dance with me so you can just sit over there and watch me dance with other ppl
Fox: watch you're attitude,
Sky: make me, Ik how much you wanna see other guys hands all over my body, feeling on me, with the music and lights, especially in this short dress.
Fox: Sky. Don't
Sky: don't ? Don't what Fox ?

( she gets up really close putting her hand on his chest and gently kissing his cheek before truning around, she grabs his lower arms and puts them on her lower waist, she moves to the music and pushes back into him,  Fox leans down and kisses her neck softly,)

Fox: you need to not push back against me
Sky: and why not, it's not like anything is gonna happen.
Fox: something will happen
Sky: good, maybe that's what I want
Fox: Sky we're not home and I don't want to go home right now.
Sky: shhh we don't have to be or go home, we could find and empty room, or bathroom you're choice.
Fox: I'm not fucking you in one of Vic's rooms.
Sky: I guess everyone gets to see you with a boner, or sence you said no bedroom room we could always do a quicky in the bathroom.
Fox: and I get to do what in return
Sky: you can put it on 4 until we leave the party ok?
Fox: far trade, we have to be quiet tho the walls and vents here echo a lot.

( they walk off to the up stairs bathroom, they walk in sky jumps on Fox, she sets her on the the corner and undoes his pants, he grabs sky's dress by the waist and slides it up, she's still wearing the lingerie from earlier, he's traces the roses on her pantys before he pulls them off, he picks her back up, fox starts to slide in and out, sky brows her face into his neck, the harder sky breathes the faster fox Moves)

Sky: mh, Fox why don't we just go home
Fox: No. I'm having fun with you, it's hot how much you crave me, plus we'll go home soon don't worry baby.
Sky: how soon?
Fox: don't worry about it, maybe another hour or so.
Sky: after this me max, Liam and Zoe are ganna go Smoke a blunt or 2 in the backyard if you wanna join.
Fox: you know i won't fuck you if you're high or drunk right .
Sky: well you have my consent, I'm sober enough rn to say that so don't worry.
Fox: I'm still not sure, you can smoke if you want and we'll see how you are on the way home ok?
Sky: ok.

( after about 10 minutes they finish cleaning up a bit fox clicks the bottom twice so it's on 2, they and walk back downstairs, max sky Zoe and Liam go out back and light the blunt, they pass to the left Liam-Zoe-max-sky. )

Max: so sky? What happened when Fox pulled you upstairs?
Sky: he fucked me on the bathroom counter.
Zoe: omg!! Really!
Liam: He did what!!!
Sky: yea..
Zoe: this might be over stepping but how big is it? Is he any good?
Sky: he says it's a 8.5 to 9 but I think it's bigger then that, and hold fuck is he good! He makes it fun .
Max: what did god make his dick or something?
Sky: No the devil did.
Liam: oh shit, get it girl. If you ever want new something to try come talk to me and Milly.
Sky: what is there to talk about Milly already tells me everything and I mean everything!!
Zoe: oh shit! I wanna hear this!!
Max: I'm not very kinky or anything but I do to!
Sky: we need a group chat! I'll tell you guys everything Js not tonight.
Liam: we're not secretive about our sex life or anything we'll tell everyone we don't care.
Max: I'll make one later tonight,
Liam: well don't be surprised if sky doesn't answer tonight.
Zoe: why?
Max: why?
Liam: look at foxes face when you looks at sky, trust me she's not doing anything tonight or tomorrow morning, he looks at her, like I look at Milly before she can't walk.
Max: ohhh... I think we're all getting laid tonight tho.
Zoe: Ik I am!
Sky: what!
Zoe: oh yea, me and Mia are together.
Sky: congratulations!!!
Zoe thx.

( they talk a bit more about random stuff as they finish the blunt, Liam sparks the second one, it gets to Sky she takes 3 hits and excuses herself back to the party and she walks over to Fox he's sitting on a beanbag with a drink in his hand, sky sits on his lap and everyone looks at them )

Dominic: yo Fox, is this your new whore?
Fox: what the fuck did you just say, check who tf you're talking to like that!
Sky: Fox please relax it's ok.
Dominic: bro she's got you on a fucking dog leash! What? You got something to say little girl?
Sky: you don't need to be a prick. watch yourself ok? Dominic Shane-Lee Robinson.
Dominic: how the- who the fuck are you!
Sky: I'm Skyler lane Arden, Ava and Kevin Arden's daughter.
Dominic: your brothers are Issac and Alex right??
Sky: yes indeed they are, and they will know about this whole interaction unless you wanna fix it.
Dominic: Fox, Mrs,Skyker, I'm sorry please forgive me..

( Sky nods and Dominic leaves the party without another word, everyone around them starts clapping and cheering an The party continues, Fox keeps talking to his other friends about their summer, while Sky just sits there and listens, Sky moves her hips to reposition herself and Fox presses the button in his jacket pocket, sky starts to bounce her leg to distract herself, but fox starts playing with her hair, and lightly touches her back, after about 30 - 35 minutes a lot of ppl start to leave so Fox and Sky leave, Fox drives them home... in the dorm)

Fox: what was that about?
Sky: what do you mean?
Fox: Dominic, he apologized to us and he looks scared why?
Sky: my dad is part of the mafia, the Robinson's used to be our business partners, but they started lying to my father, luckily I was able to talk to my dad, and he dropped them, with no consequences, and no protection from anyone, Dominic was probably 6-7  at this time, so it make sense why he didn't remember me, we used to go to meetings with our families.

Fox: so your the daughter of a mafia boss?

Sky: no, not yet.. my dad is the grandson of the mafia boss, I'm the "princess" and the granddaughter of the mafia boss. I'm not really apart of it, I show up for looks and for my protection.

Fox: mhmm that makes sense, I'm a little scared of ur family now tho..
sky: you have nothing to be scared of, their all harmless mostly.. but I'm sure they'll love you.
Fox: thanks.
Sky: everything is still spinning
Fox: I told you not to smoke. Food then bed ok?
Sky: mhmm fine

( 20 minutes later, Fox is cooking in the kitchen. sky walks downstairs after getting changed, and into the kitchen with Fox, she jumps on the counter and watches him cook.)

Fox: hi baby.
Sky: hi, what are you cooking?
Fox: I'm not sure get I'm trying something new, RJ sent me a recipe to try, he works at the really fancy restaurant up town.
Sky: the one with red double doors and white wine?
Fox: yea, that's the one, I don't really name Ik it starts with an L ...
Sky: Lá show down.
Fox: yea, any this is some sorta tomato soup with a mint garnish and some kinda spicy sweet sandwich,
Sky: it sounds good, want me to put on a movie in the living room?
Fox: sure.
( sky puts on a movie, 10 minutes later fox walks in with two plates they eat and watch the movie, after they go to sleep)

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