Meeting my family.

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( a few weeks later, it's Friday evening, sky and fox got home from school and fox's is making smoothies in the kitchen)

Fox: hey love your phone is ringing!
Sky: answer it, I'll be down in a second.

\on call/
Fox: hello?
D: hey honey, ik ur mad at me but we have plans and i need you here.
Fox: who is this?
D: no who is this!
Fox: I'm Fox.
D: Fox.. oh your Sky's roommate, say where is my daughter?
Fox: she'll be down stairs in a second, she just got out of the shower.
D: ok, just give sky the phone when she's down

( 2 minutes later sky walks down)

Sky: who called?
Fox: your dad he's still on the phone.
Sky: ok. What did he say?
Fox: y'all have plans ig
( Fox mouth's " put it on speaker" and Sky dose)
Sky: hi sir.
D: hi honey.
Sky: where do I have to be?
D: we have an event, tomorrow. I've already send Joey to get you, he lands in 45 minutes, you have until 7:40 PM tonight to get on the jet and ready to leave.
Sky: yes sir, may I bring my boyfriend?
D: will he blend in?
Sky: yes sir, he is very respectful and very observant.
D: he can come, but if he slips up, I'll kill him.
Sky: yes sir, have a good night bye.
/call ends\

Fox: I thought you said he was nice?
Sky: trust me he is, he's just stressed with the event.
Fox: alright, so what do I need?
Sky: fancy clothes, you'll be fitted for a suit when we get there, it will Match with my dress, I'll help you pack.

( they go upstairs and pack, half hour later it's 5:26 they've both finished packing and going over how to act and what to say as well as what to look out for)

Sky: make sure we have everything, we have to leave in 38 minutes, if we wanna make it to the landing strip.
Fox: alright, we can leave now if you want.
Sky: ok then let's go.

( they get in sky's car after locking up after sky changes, and start there drive up to the strip, they make it after 2 hours of driving. As expected the jet is there and Joey is standing on the stairs in his suit. They get out of the car and Joey walks up to sky)

Joey: good afternoon
Sky: afternoon and this is fox my bf.
Joey: hello mr, Fox.
Fox: hi, so we're are we going?
Joey: Brazil,
Sky: dose that mean you brought him!
Joey: of course.

( A tall Doberman comes charging off the jet and straight to Sky)

( A tall Doberman comes charging off the jet and straight to Sky)

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Sky: killer down. Fox come here close
Fox: alright.
( fox walks closer, and killer stands between skys legs and starts barking at fox)

Sky: Killer safe. Fox you're fine, pet him, he needs to know that you're not ganna hurt me .

( Fox get on his knees and puts out his hand, the dog sniffs him looks up at sky, sky nods and killer rubs his head on Fox, Fox continues to pet him)

Joey: Mrs, Sky we need to get going.
Sky: oh yes, the bags are in the trunk, please cover my car, when you're done.
Joey: of course Mrs. Sky.
Sky: killer jet. Come on Fox.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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