Chapter 1

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As the carriage crossed the vast expanse of desert, Margaret could not help but admire the rugged beauty of the landscape around her. The golden sands stretched endlessly into the distance, interrupted from time to time by groups of palm trees gently swaying in the desert wind. In the midst of this arid landscape, a lush oasis arose, its vibrant greenery contrasting vividly with the barren landscape.

At the heart of the oasis was a serene lake, its crystal clear waters shimmering in the sunlight like a jewel among the desert sands. Exotic birds fluttered everywhere, their colorful plumage adding a pop of color to the tranquil surroundings. The air was filled with the soothing sound of flowing water and the distant chirping of crickets, creating a sense of peace and serenity that enveloped the oasis like a protective cloak.

The high walls of a golden palace appeared around the oasis, the majestic spiers of which rushed to the heavens. Decorated with intricate carvings and decorations, the palace exuded an atmosphere of grandeur and opulence befitting its royal occupants. As the carriage pulled up to the palace gates, Margaret's eyes were drawn to the ornate architecture and shimmering golden domes that adorned the palace grounds.

Despite the blazing desert sun beating down on her, Margaret remained captivated by the sight before her. Although she hailed from a cold land of snow and ice, the allure of the desolate kingdom of Eternal Sand held her captive, filling her with a sense of wonder and intrigue. When the carriage stopped in front of the palace gates, Margaret's heart began to beat with anticipation, she couldn't wait to start a new chapter of her life among the sands of the desert kingdom.

After a long journey to this desert kingdom, the doors of the golden palace open, and her betrothed appears before Margaret...Prince Hadi takes her hand, leaving a feather-light kiss on it. " The Eternal Sand Kingdom and I welcome you, my bride," he says in the smoothest, deepest voice Margaret has ever heard. But Margaret's excitement disappears when he raises his head and looks at her coldly and disinterestedly. "Please, Margaret, make yourself at home"

Margaret stood in the grand foyer of the golden palace, her appearance in stark contrast to the sun-drenched splendor of her surroundings. A true Northerner through and through, she had fair skin with a slight hint of pink blush, which testified to her origins in lands covered with eternal frost. Her eyes, a piercing icy blue, held a depth of emotion that belied the stoic mask she wore in the face of uncertainty.

Her hair, a cascade of golden waves, framed her delicate features like a shimmering halo, a stark contrast to the black locks favored by the inhabitants of the desert kingdom. Styled in a regal style, with intricate braids and graceful curls, her locks glistened in the soft palace light, a testament to the skillful hands that carefully tended them.

Dressed in a gown of azure silk, Margaret looked stunning against the backdrop of golden sand and sunlit stone. The flowing fabric hugged her slender figure, highlighting her curves with a grace that spoke of her noble lineage, while delicate embroidery created intricate patterns along the neckline and hem, paying tribute to the regal traditions of her homeland.

Prince Hadi looked commanding as he stood before Margaret, his presence radiating an air of regal authority and calm intensity. His tall, imposing figure towered over her, and his broad shoulders hinted at the strength and endurance that lay beneath his regal appearance. Dark, tousled locks framed his angular face, emphasizing the chiseled contours of his chin and the sculptural perfection of his features.

Margaret's gaze was riveted on his piercing dark eyes, in the depths of which a world of secrets and unspeakable mysteries seemed to be kept. Although his expression was cold and disinterested, there was an undeniable magnetism in his gaze that made her feel both fascinated and alarmed. His strong chin spoke of determination and resolve, and his olive-colored skin hinted at his royal lineage and noble heritage.

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