Chapter 13

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Hadi woke up next to Margaret, feeling the warmth of her body next to his and her gentle breathing. He saw that she was still fast asleep and decided to let her rest for a few more minutes before getting up. The room was bathed in a soft, diffused light as the morning sun filtered through the closed curtains, casting a warm golden glow on everything it touched. The gentle rustle of fabric echoed throughout the quiet room, creating a soothing backdrop for the peaceful scene unfolding within.

Prince Hadi lay next to Margaret, his gaze sweeping over her sleeping body with a sense of quiet awe. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, her breathing soft and even as she dozed peacefully next to him. He couldn't help but admire her beauty, illuminated by the soft light coming through the curtains.

Lying there, Hadi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the pleasant floral scent of Margaret's hair filling his senses. It was a scent he associated with her, a comforting reminder of their closeness. In that moment of quiet reflection, he felt a wave of affection wash over him, gratitude for the opportunity to be so close to her.

Sighing with satisfaction, Hadi shifted slightly, allowing himself a few more moments to bask in the warmth of her presence. In the silence of the room, surrounded by the gentle sound of morning, he cherished the simple pleasure of sharing such intimate moments with the woman he loved. " Margaret, it's time to wake up," he whispered quietly. "It's a new day. Try to wake up slowly and stretch your muscles carefully. You will probably feel tired today".

When Margaret finally opened her eyes, she looked sleepily at Hadi, rubbing her face with her hands and yawning loudly. "Mmm... Morning... What are your plans for today?" She yawned and stretched. Hadi smiled at Margaret as he watched her stretch and yawn. He could tell she was still half asleep, but he wanted to make sure she had enough energy for the day ahead.

"Well, today is a bit of a slow day. I thought we could spend some time together, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. I want to make sure you're comfortable. And besides, it is important for you to relax and avoid unnecessary stress"

He moved closer to Margaret, running his fingers through her hair as he spoke. He could already feel a slight difference in her body, but he didn't say anything about it yet. As Margaret lay down on the bed, Hadi began to take off his shirt, revealing his beautiful round breasts. He bent over her breast, took one nipple into his mouth and began to suck gently, while playing with the other breast with his hand. He felt the sensitivity of her skin, teasing her nipple with his tongue.

" Ah, my love," he muttered between kisses. " You know, I can't resist playing with your beautiful breasts. They are so delicious".

Margaret laughed playfully. "Scoundrel!" she exclaimed. Margaret giggled and, not feeling tired or nauseous at all, gave Hadi the opportunity to suckle on her breast. " You know," she said cheerfully. " When the baby is born, I will deprive you of this opportunity."

Hadi continued to suck on Margaret's breasts, feeling a sensation of pleasure spread throughout his body. He knew that once the baby arrived, things would change significantly and he wouldn't have as much free time to indulge in such pleasures, but for now he wanted to make the most of it.

" Oh, I know," he replied. " And I intend to make full use of this time while I can. Besides, I will always find ways to tease and please you even after the baby is born, my love".

He switched to the other breast, giving both equal attention while continuing to play with her sensitive nipples


Hadi lay next to Margaret, looking intently into her beautiful eyes. He saw the desire in them and knew that she felt strong and healthy today, but he also knew that she was still a little weak from yesterday's bout of nausea. Instead of insisting on intercourse, he decided to show her how much he loved her by giving her oral pleasure instead.

His Princess (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora