Chapter 10

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The next morning Margaret woke up with even more anxiety than before. She stretched her arms and legs, feeling pain and discomfort. She sat up slowly, rubbing her temples, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the nightmare that had haunted her sleep. " Good morning," she muttered dully, " How did I sleep?"

She looked around the room, noticing Hadi sitting nearby on the edge of the bed, watching her intently. There was concern in his eyes and he rose to his feet as she sat up fully.

"Not very good. Last night you tossed and turned a lot". said Hadi.

"Why did I feel so bad?" Margaret muttered

" I think it might have been because of the heat," Hadi explained. " Your body is not used to such temperatures, and it may take some time to adapt." It's natural that you feel bad at first. " He walked over to her and offered her a glass of water, hoping it would help ease her discomfort. " Drink this," he suggested softly, " It should help."

Margaret took the glass gratefully and sipped slowly, trying to let its coolness soothe her dry throat. " Thank you," she muttered again. As Margaret drank the water, she suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over her. Without warning, she splashed the liquid onto the floor in front of her. She quickly pulled away, horrified by what had just happened. " Oh no..." she gasped, " I'm so sorry."

Hadi rushed towards her, worry etched on his face as he knelt down and wiped up the spilled water with a rag. " It's okay," he assured her, " Don't worry about it."

He stood up, grabbed another glass of water from a nearby table and offered it to her once more. Margaret shook her head, clearly disgusted at the thought of drinking anything after what had just happened. Hadi understood her reluctance and respected her decision, knowing that she needed time to recover from the sudden onset of nausea.

He watched her carefully, making sure she didn't look too upset, and then turned his attention to cleaning up the mess on the floor. When everything was put in order again, he sat down next to her on the bed, patiently waiting for her to collect her thoughts. "Do you want anything else?" he asked after a minute of silence

" I don't want anything," said Margaret, looking paler than usual.

Hadi knew she was struggling, but he also understood her determination to overcome her current state of discomfort. "Okay", he agreed, " If that's what you want. Just know that I'm here if you change your mind"

He leaned against the head of the bed, watching her as she rested. From time to time he looked outside at the bright sunlight streaming through the window, reminding him of the oppressive heat that seemed to be causing them both so much discomfort. Time passed slowly, but over time Margaret began to look a little less exhausted.

" I miss the cold," Margaret muttered.

Margaret spoke quietly, almost to herself, expressing a longing for the cool weather she had known all her life. Hadi listened attentively, understanding her desire for something familiar among the unfamiliar surroundings of the desert kingdom.

" I know it must be hard for you," he replied, " But remember, your body will adapt over time. You just need to be patient". He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, trying to soothe her homesickness a little. " For now," he continued. " There are ways to make this place a little cooler. We can open several windows"

" Better throw me into a bathtub full of ice," she muttered, " my body is hotter than a frying pan right now." Margaret joked, trying to lighten the mood with her dry humor. Hadi couldn't help but smile, appreciating her efforts to maintain some levity despite the difficulties they faced.

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